Rozbudowa Lotnisko Václava Havla w Pradze

Expansion of Václav Havel Airport in Prague

visuals: Atchain © MVRDV

Václav Havel Airport in Prague, which is the largest airport in the Czech Republic, is gearing up for a big change. The Dutch office MVRDV, together with NACO (Netherlands Airport Consultants), has won a competition to design three new buildings that will expand Terminal 1 and create space for a hotel and conference center across the main access road. [...]

Václav Havel Airport in Prague, which is the largest airport in the Czech Republic, is gearing up for a big change. The Dutch office MVRDV, together with NACO [...]

Architects and Profession

New life for former military unit in Legnica

Award-winning project by Wiktor Sawoch and Sebastian Kawalec of Wrocław University of Technology

Aleksandra Skorupa, 18 of March '25
Praca konkursowa na opracowanie koncepcji urbanistyczno-architektonicznej zagospodarowania terenu dawnej jednostki D w Legnicy

Competition work for the development of an urban-architectural concept for the development of the area of the former Unit D in Legnica

© Wiktor Sawoch, Sebastian Kawalec

The work of Wiktor Sawoch and Sebastian Kawalec from the Faculty of Architecture at the Wrocław University of Technology was created as part of a competition to develop an urban-architectural concept for the development of the former Unit D in Legnica. The competition, organized by the city authorities, was aimed at selecting a project that would fit into the existing surroundings in a modern and functional way and create a space that would meet the needs of the residents. The presented [...]

The work of Wiktor Sawoch and Sebastian Kawalec from the Faculty of Architecture at the Wrocław University of Technology was created as part of a competition to develop [...]

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Architecture is the art of designing and building spatial forms and shaping the space between them. According to Vitruvius, author of the treatise "On Architecture of Books Ten," the basic principles of designing and constructing buildings are durability, utility and beauty.

Architecture provides a framework for living, working, learning and entertaining. The history of architecture is also the history of human civilization. It has shaped and changed over the centuries in accordance with the needs, current trends and available technological solutions. To this day, we can marvel at the elements of architecture of ancient cultures, admire the dominant styles in different centuries and see the diversity in architecture in different parts of the world.

architecture and business - portal of the architect, designer and architecture student

On the web portal Architecture and Business you will find daily news from the world of contemporary architecture. We present concepts and realizations of both public and office buildings, urban assumptions, revitalization and accompanying us every day - residential architecture, from modern single-family houses through examples of multi-family buildings to alternative forms of housing. We present modern projects, the latest realizations of Polish architects, write about the results of architectural competitions, promote important events, inform about innovative technologies and create a library of BIM files. You will find podcasts here, in which students talk about their experiences at foreign universities, job offers for architects and internship proposals for design students. You will read articles about current problems of Polish cities, interviews with architects, including Robert Konieczny, Szczepan Wronski and Krzysztof Ingarden, columns and author series by our authors.