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"Difficult times have come for architects"—Wojciech Krawczuk, president of SARP Poznań

10 of October '24

In recent months, local SARP branches held elections for new authorities for the 20242028 term [RESULTS]. In the pages of our portal, we have a closer look at the plans of the newly elected presidents of the Society of Polish Architects, and we ask those who were re-elected to summarize the past years. We also ask them why it's worth belonging to SARP and about contemporary challenges facing architects and female architects. Wojciech Krawczuk, president of the Poznań branch of SARP, answered our questions.

SARP Poznań Branch

Ola Kloc: How would you summarize the past term?

Wojciech Krawczuk: During the past 20192024 term, the Poznań branch of SARP actively engaged in various external and internal activities, despite difficult circumstances, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, the war in Ukraine, and the prolonged renovation of the Old Market Square in Poznań, where our branch has its headquarters.

External activities included:

  • monitoring spatial policy we provided opinions on decisions on the city's spatial development strategy, protecting landscape and spatial values and the public interest;
  • activity in public discussions SARP members participated in discussions, debates, City Council sessions and other events organized by local government and social institutions;
  • promotion of architecture branch initiatives such as the Architectural Award of the Wielkopolska Region (NAWW the first edition on our initiative was held in the past term, in 2020, and we are currently conducting its 5th edition), exhibitions of the branch award winners and numerous architectural competitions have become an important platform for promoting the highest quality architecture in the region;
  • education and popularization events, exhibitions and cooperation with the media and the Marshal's Office were organized to promote architecture and the cultural legacy of Poznan, organization and judging of student competitions, concerning the city space, and organization of the annual award for the best semester work of students of Poznan universities training architects.

Internal activities focused on:

  • membership matters the branch board processed applications for new members, monitored dues and dealt with social issues, including assistance for members in need;
  • organization of events Christmas packages for seniors were prepared, exhibitions, presentations, film screenings, debates, workshops and architectural walks, and community meetings were organized;
  • communication and management the branch board maintained the website and social media, managed the finances of the branch and the Association's headquarters, and strengthened cooperation with the Wielkopolska OIA RP.

Despite the many challenges, the past term for the president and board of the SARP Poznań Branch was a period of intense activity aimed at both promoting architecture and caring for the Association's members.

Ola Kloc: What program of activities of the SARP branch do you envision for the near future? Are there any changes planned?

Wojciech Krawczuk: The activities and projects developed in previous terms will be continued, and some will be expanded. In this term, we want to work closely with Poznań universities, but also to deepen our cooperation with those who govern our region, in order to have a real impact on what is built in our area. Of no small importance to us is the situation in which architects and design offices currently find themselves. We are very keen on strengthening our presence in the city, sharing our knowledge and expertise with decision-makers and residents of Poznan and the region.

Ola Kloc: What are the biggest challenges facing architects today?

Wojciech Krawczuk: Difficult times have come for architects, the cost of doing business, unfair competition, pricing of design services, the multitude of documents, agreements and prolonged administrative proceedings take their toll on the condition of the profession. On the other hand, climate change and its consequences in the modern construction industry, or changes in regulations make our services premium services for many recipients, and the rates we offer are unattainable. Balancing between cost optimization and market response, we fall into the traps of unprofitable orders.

Ola Kloc: How many members are there in the branch, and what is thecontribution rate?

Wojciech Krawczuk: The branch has 264 members, including 77 with pensioner status. The membership fee is currently 20 PLN per month / 240 PLN per year, but we are thinking of increasing it, retirees do not pay, and university graduates up to three years from their diploma year have a 50 percent discount.

Ola Kloc: What does SARP give to architects today? Why is it worth being a member of the Association?

Wojciech Krawczuk: SARP is one of the few architectural organizations in Poland with such a long and rich tradition. Membership in the Association means belonging to a community with an established position and history.

Our members have access to current information about architectural competitions and investment plans in the agglomeration.

The Association also organizes debates, workshops, exhibitions and tours of important architectural buildings in Poznań and Greater Poland, which encourages continuous development and broadening of horizons.

SARP provides its members with access to a network of professional contacts, which is especially important for the realization of interesting and ambitious projects, enabling cooperation with experienced professionals and companies in the industry.

From my own experience, I can say that for young architects, SARP can be a launching pad for dynamic professional development and gaining valuable experience in this environment. Socializing and getting to know the community more closely are also not insignificant.

Ola Kloc

The vote has already been cast