Warm aluminum house

01 of November '21

Warm house made of aluminum

Windows and doors in Ponzio systems enjoy a high reputation in residential construction throughout Europe. They are recognized as premium products of high quality, bringing many benefits in the long term (primarily financial - lower operating costs).

Ciepły dom
z aluminium © PONZIO

Warm house made of aluminum


Advanced technical solutions, energy-saving properties and specialized fire and burglary protection - these are the main advantages of Ponzio aluminum structures.

The special design of profiles ensures high thermal insulation, which translates into savings in heating and cooling of rooms. Ponzio systems not only meet the requirements of the new technical conditions (the so-called WT2021), but also combine excellent thermal performance with economic conditions.

For example, by choosing the "ECO" variant of PONZIO PE78N system windows, we gain a lower cost of construction while maintaining very high thermal and mechanical properties. We present several selected window and door solutions for use in houses and apartments.

Ciepły dom
z aluminium © PONZIO

Warm house made of aluminum



For houses and apartments we recommend modern windows in a very warm aluminum system Ponzio PE78N HI ("high insulation"). Thanks to their large dimensions, they let in more daylight, and the rigid construction of the profiles ensures stability and strength. We recommend this system for its very high thermal insulation (Uw < 0.9 W/m2K) and resistance to burglary.

If we want to equip an apartment in a renovated tenement with windows, it is worth investing in "SLIM" windows with a narrow profile and large glazing. We gain much more light, and the rooms become even more spacious. Importantly, even with such a narrow profile, the window achieves high thermal insulation (Uw = 0.8 W/m2K).

Ciepły dom
z aluminium © PONZIO

Warm house made of aluminum


On the other hand, for post-industrial loft apartments, windows with a narrow SLIM INDUSTRIAL profile are a great fit.

The highest standard of anti-burglary security
is provided by windows of the Ponzio PE78N system in the RC4 class.

This is one of the highest classes of burglary resistance. This type of advanced products are chosen by owners of residences to be guaranteed the highest security. The advantage of this system is also the modern design and the lack of visual differences compared to a standard window, which positively affects the aesthetic appearance of the entire building. Thanks to the security features, it no longer requires additional grilles or burglar-proof roller shutters.

Ciepły dom
z aluminium © PONZIO

Warm house made of aluminum



The entrance door in the warmest Ponzio PE78N HI system with the so-called "floating jacket" is an innovative solution that reliably performs in everyday operation, regardless of temperature changes. It is a variant designed for the production of doors particularly exposed to extreme temperatures. Their specialized design prevents deformation of the leaf and ensures trouble-free operation.


Sliding doors in the Ponzio SL 1600TT or SL1700TT system are perfect for a living room with access to the terrace. Multiple-wing doors slide smoothly and lightly, which is important for children or the elderly who use them.

Ciepły dom
z aluminium © PONZIO

Warm house made of aluminum


The large size of the door structure provides a panoramic view, gives the interior of the house spaciousness. Sliding doors are light to operate and fully safe to use. The use of a low threshold flush with the floor in the SL 1600TT system's lift-and-slide doors makes it possible to fully integrate the interior of the house with the terrace or balcony. This also makes it possible to adapt the home to the needs of wheelchair users.

The proposed solutions meet the expectations of users in all respects: a sense of security, comfort, silence and savings resulting from the acquired energy.

Ciepły dom
z aluminium © PONZIO

Warm house made of aluminum


Choosing this material for windows and doors, synonymous with the highest quality, also increases the value of your property.

For more information, visit the company's PROCURAL Sp. z o.o. (wcześniej: Ponzio Polska) page on the A&B portal.

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