New generation of GREENVIEW roof windows - a new standard for a new era

We are living in a period of very dynamic changes, and especially climate change is visible to the naked eye and felt by us personally. Therefore, we pay more and more attention to taking care of ecology because we know that the Earth is our wealth, which we must take care of in order to continue to live on it. Not only us, but also future generations.

Okna dachowe GREENVIEW to już nie tylko bezpieczeństwo, innowacja i komfort, ale także inwestycja w lepsze życie przyszłych pokoleń

GREENVIEW roof windows are no longer just safety, innovation and comfort, but also an investment in a better life for future generations


The new generation of GREENVIEW roof windows from FAKRO combines the highest functional and aesthetic standards with high energy efficiency adapted to the changing climate, as well as solutions that ensure safety in the face of violent weather events.

GREENVIEW roof windows are no longer just about safety, innovation and comfort, but also an investment in a better life for future generations. It is important to remember that taking care of our planet and its resources is a priority around the world today. Therefore, according to the GO GREEN philosophy, at FAKRO products are designed, planned and manufactured with respect for the environment. They contribute to the energy efficient management of the home, so we generate less energy consumption, thus savings stay in our wallet. GREENVIEW windows were created with the family and its future in mind. The savings from having them are indisputable. The innovative design with a higher sash profile and triple-glazing package significantly affects heat conservation, which translates into lower energy requirements to heat the attic. The glazing package is 44 mm thick, which allows it to be embedded deeper in the sash structure and thus the whole window gains better thermal insulation. The window is made with ThermoPro technology, and the coefficient of the FTP-V P50 window with Thermo flashing is at 0.9 W/m2 K. For GREENVIEW windows, an automatic ventilator has been designed anew, completely from scratch, whose role is to ensure optimal inflow of fresh air, while minimizing heat loss from the interior. The windows also feature the topSafe system, which increases their functional and anti-burglary security.

Innowacyjna konstrukcja z wyższym profilem skrzydła i pakietem trzyszybowym znacząco wpływa na ochronę ciepła, co przekłada się na mniejsze zapotrzebowanie na energię, aby ogrzać poddasze

The innovative design with a higher sash profile and triple-glazing package significantly affects heat conservation, which translates into lower energy requirements to heat the attic


Not to forget the comfort that comes from the silence provided by the glazing package with soundproofing film applied. It protects against the penetration of outside noise, and residents can enjoy peace and quiet while relaxing in their home. The glazing also has a high safety standard, as the outer pane is tempered and the inner pane is laminated, which reduces the risk of injury in case of breakage. The icing on the cake is that the outside of the glass is coated with an easily washable coating so that the window stays clean longer. Organic dirt is broken down by UV rays and rinsed away when it rains, and homeowners can enjoy more leisure time.

Folia dźwiękoizolacyjna zastosowana w pakiecie szybowym nowych okien FAKRO chroni przed przenikaniem hałasu z zewnątrz, dzięki czemu mieszkańcy mogę cieszyć się spokojem podczas odpoczynku w swoim domu

The sound-insulating film used in the glazing package of the new FAKRO windows protects against the penetration of outside noise, so residents can enjoy peace and quiet while relaxing in their home


The new generation GREENVIEW windows are also about aesthetics, design and ergonomics. The modern handle, which perfectly fits in with current interior trends, has been located at the bottom of the sash. It is easily accessible and provides comfortable operation of the window. The design of the windows is also influenced by their external, attractive shape of the flashing. It was developed in cooperation with the Institute of Industrial Design at the Cracow University of Technology and gives windows of the GREENVIEW line an attractive appearance. It is complemented by anthracite (RAL7016) metal cladding color as standard, which perfectly matches the most popular roofing materials. GREENVIEW are more than just roof windows. They create a home that meets the expectations of its inhabitants, providing them with comfort and security. The kind of home that functions in harmony with nature. GREENVIEW windows have received the Carbon Foot Print Approved certification, which proves the low carbon footprint of their production. The new generation of GREENVIEW windows will ensure that the house will be timeless, energy-efficient and friendly to live in every day, and we will see a green view through the windows.

For more information, visit the company's FAKRO Sp. z o.o page on the A&B portal.