Rainwater management

Rainwater management


Rainfall can be extremely beneficial to the operation of a household, but can also do a lot of damage. It all depends on whether you know how to deal with their excess and how to collect and use rainwater for your own needs. Sensible management of rainwater allows you to reduce water service fees, protect yourself from dangerous flooding, and also contributes to climate protection.

Protecting a building from flooding


Violent rainfall, causing a lot of damage, is becoming more frequent with climate change. To protect yourself from their effects, it is worth investing in professional home drainage system - from the basement to the roof. Excess rainwater threatens the garage and parking area the most, and it is in these areas that it is necessary to install a drainage inlet system. It is also necessary to take care of rooms located below ground level. Basements, basements and boiler rooms should be equipped with anti-flooding devices to prevent the effects of sewer backflow.

Rainwater collection and use


Rainwater can be your ally if you learn to collect it and use it for your purposes. It's a good idea to start with a simple rainwater tank in your garden - if you connect it to your roof gutter system, you'll reclaim a not inconsiderable portion of the water falling on your house and property. Rainwater tanks can take the form of rustic barrels, concrete cisterns or minimalist plastic containers. They can also be installed below the surface of the ground. If you additionally opt for a rainwater filtration system, you will be able to store rainwater as a backup for dry periods. The collected rainwater can be used for watering the garden, washing cars and bicycles, and flushing the driveway. 


Modern Rainwater Centers


A growing number of manufacturers are appearing on the Polish market offering comprehensive rainwater management systems. A rainwater management center is a centrally managed system of drains and inlets that collect water from the entire property. The rainwater is collected in underground tanks, then filtered and reused in the household. The entire installation is invisible to the eye, and smart controls allow the current water level to be monitored and directed to where it is needed. This is an effective way to save water and money! Rainwater panels allow you to store significant amounts of rainwater, which (although not drinking water) can be used instead of tap water for flushing toilets, laundry, various household chores and watering plants.

You can read about all the news and the best products in the Rainwater Management section of the