Gdansk Shakespeare Theatre - a mythopoetic space

proj.: Renato Rizzi

19 of October '19
Gdański Teatr Szekspirowski

Gdansk Shakespeare Theatre

© Renato Rizzi

Renato Rizzi's Gdansk Shakespeare Theater is a continuous story of boundary-setting. For the architecture establishes a real place for the theater, into which the contemplative space that belongs to the world of imagination is intentionally built. [...]

Renato Rizzi's Gdansk Shakespeare Theater is a continuous story of boundary-setting. For the architecture establishes a real place for the theater, into which the [...]

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Become an A&B portal user and receive giveaways!

A good book on architecture

A series of meetings at the Silesian Library in Katowice

18 of October '19
Cykl spotkań „Dobra książka o architekturze”

Meeting series "A good book about architecture"

© organizers archive

What could be better than a good book? A good book about architecture! The Institute of Architecture Documentation of the Silesian Library in Katowice (and us together with it!) invites you to the inaugural meeting of the series "A good book about architecture". [...]

What could be better than a good book? A good book about architecture! The Institute of Architecture Documentation of the Silesian Library in Katowice (and us together [...]

Meditation at Lake Bezdibene

Project of silent meditation cabins in Latvian forest

Dobrawa Bies, 18 of October '19
Projekt Kabin Medytacji

Meditation Cabin Project

© Anna Jankowska

Anna Jankowska, a graduate of Bialystok University of Technology, designed forest cabins that allow for contemplation of nature and tranquility. The facilities are located in the heart of an old-growth forest by the picturesque Bezdibene [...]

Anna Jankowska, a graduate of Bialystok University of Technology, designed forest cabins that allow for contemplation of nature and tranquility. The facilities are [...]

Parisian chic - modern interior in a historic building - Anna Popiel-Moszyńska

Adaptation of an office into an apartment

Anna Popiel-Moszyńska, 18 of October '19
pokój dzienny z widokiem na kuchnię

living room overlooking the kitchen

In Paris, Polish architect Anna Popiel-Moszyńska of the studio redesigned the space of a lawyer's office into a 220 m² apartment for a family with four children. She combined tradition with modernity, giving the space a charming and laid-back feel. [...]

In Paris, Polish architect Anna Popiel-Moszyńska of the studio redesigned the space of a lawyer's office into a 220 m² apartment for a family with four [...]

Karol Wawrzyniak - briefly on the subject

From the series "10 questions to..."

Ola Kloc, 17 of October '19
10 pytań do… Karola Wawrzyniaka

10 questions for... Karol Wawrzyniak

Photo: Radosław Kazmierczak © TOPROJEKT

"10 Questions to..." is a weekly series of short conversations with architects and female architects, to whom we address the same pool of questions. In today's episode, we asked Karol Wawrzyniak of TOPROJEKT studio for answers. [...]

"10 Questions to..." is a weekly series of short conversations with architects and female architects, to whom we address the same pool of questions. In today's episode, [...]

STYL-BET Przedsiębiorstwo Wielobranżowe Jurewicz & Paradowski Sp. J.

WISA bench


17 of October '19
Ławka WISA

WISA bench

© Styl-bet

Freestanding concrete bench without a backrest. It has a comfortable seat made of Scandinavian spruce wood. Supplied in three pieces, ready for assembly, it is a nice piece of small [...]

Freestanding concrete bench without a backrest. It has a comfortable seat made of Scandinavian spruce wood. Supplied in three pieces, ready for assembly, it is a nice [...] - we are waiting for proposals

the theme of the December issue of A&B

Małgorzata Tomczak, 17 of October '19

If you have a house project (not necessarily completed), don't keep it in a drawer! Send it to us. It can be simple, it can be offbeat, it can be on a tree, or on water, or even on the ground, student, competition, realization, [...]

If you have a house project (not necessarily completed), don't keep it in a drawer! Send it to us. It can be simple, it can be offbeat, it can be on a tree, or on water, [...]

PLGBC Green Building Awards 2019 have been handed out!

Best green building projects in Poland

17 of October '19
PLGBC Green Building Awards 2019

PLGBC Green Building Awards 2019


The 9th edition of PLGBC Green Building Symposium under the theme "Driving positive change" was accompanied by the PLGBC Green Building Awards 2019 gala, during which the best green buildings, interiors, products and green initiatives in Poland were recognized. We congratulate the winners and look forward to following more best practices and modern solutions! [...]

The 9th edition of PLGBC Green Building Symposium under the theme "Driving positive change" was accompanied by the PLGBC Green Building Awards 2019 gala, during which [...]

Franke's new F5 design line

3 Plus X Award honors

16 of October '19
Baterie natryskowe F5

F5 shower mixers

© Franke

Franke's F5 shower faucets have been awarded the 2019 PLUS X AWARD in four categories: high quality, design, user comfort and functionality. In awarding this most renowned prize for innovation in technology, sports and consumer products, an international panel of experts honored a product line with exceptional visual and tactile qualities, which includes basin and shower [...]

Franke's F5 shower faucets have been awarded the 2019 PLUS X AWARD in four categories: high quality, design, user comfort and functionality. In awarding this most [...]

3 times yes to WXCA

Awards for studios at LEONARDO 2019 International Biennial of Young Architects in Minsk

16 of October '19
Nagrody dla pracowni WXCA na Międzynarodowym Biennale Młodych Architektów LEONARDO 2019 w Mińsku

Awards for WXCA studios at the LEONARDO 2019 International Biennale of Young Architects in Minsk.


The WXCA studio has won as many as three awards at the LEONARDO 2019 International Biennial of Young Architects in Minsk. Congratulations! [...]

The WXCA studio has won as many as three awards at the LEONARDO 2019 International Biennial of Young Architects in Minsk. Congratulations! [...]

7 "architectural" sites in Andalusia

Coffee break

16 of October '19

Dreaming of your next vacation, we invite you to a virtual review of selected contemporary realizations from Andalusia. For more "architectourism" travels in Spain, check out architectourism 01. SPAIN. [...]

Dreaming of your next vacation, we invite you to a virtual review of selected contemporary realizations from Andalusia. For more "architectourism" travels in Spain, [...]

Museum and Memorial Park at the Lebanon quarry

Project to revitalize former Nazi labor camp in Krakow

Dobrawa Bies, 16 of October '19
Projekt „Topografia niepamięci”

"Topography of oblivion" project

© Karolina Chodura

Karolina Chodura's thesis entitled. "Topography of oblivion" is a project addressing the problem of revitalization of places with traumatic history, made at the Faculty of Architecture of the Silesian University of Technology under the direction of Dr. Jan [...]

Karolina Chodura's thesis entitled. "Topography of oblivion" is a project addressing the problem of revitalization of places with traumatic history, made at the Faculty [...]

Young Polish design at Dutch Design Week 2019

Exhibition "Young Polish Designers: Studies in Reality".

15 of October '19
Plakat wystawy „Young Polish Designers: Studies in Reality”

Poster for the exhibition "Young Polish Designers: Studies in Reality".

© organizers archive

We invite you to the exhibition "Young Polish Designers: Studies in Reality," presenting the works of young Polish designers at Dutch Design Week 2019 in [...]

We invite you to the exhibition "Young Polish Designers: Studies in Reality," presenting the works of young Polish designers at Dutch Design Week 2019 in [...]

A place to remember versus a place to live?

Dispute over the Museum - Memorial of KL Plaszow

Katarzyna Jagodzińska, 15 of October '19
Miasto na celowniku — KRAKÓW

City on target - KRAKOW

The site of the former KL Plaszow labor camp is one of the hotspots on the contemporary map of Krakow. The actors are many. The city authorities. The Jewish Community. Museum workers. Architects. The community activists. Residents of Krakow. The closest neighbors. At this point there are two sides: us and them. Simplifying: neighbors versus the rest. Disputed issues: recreation vs. commemoration, tourism vs. living comfort. And what is more important: residents or [...]

The site of the former KL Plaszow labor camp is one of the hotspots on the contemporary map of Krakow. The actors are many. The city authorities. The Jewish Community. [...]

Festival of Open Architecture Studios (FOPA) 2019.

Krakow, November 18-22, 2019

14 of October '19

FOPA is three days of meetings during which participants will have the opportunity to meet architects from top Krakow offices in their daily work environment, look at their design and research method, learn about their perspective on the city [...] finally sit around a big table and talk. [...]

FOPA is three days of meetings during which participants will have the opportunity to meet architects from top Krakow offices in their daily work environment, look at [...]

Competition for Wyspianski Museum settled!

Results of the competition for the development of an architectural and urban planning concept

Małgorzata Tomczak, 14 of October '19
I nagroda: Heinle, Wischer und Partner Architekci

First Prize: Heinle, Wischer und Partner Architects

© Heinle, Wischer und Partner Architects © organizer archives

On Friday, October 11, 2019, the results of the competition to develop an architectural and urban design concept for the Stanislaw Wyspianski Museum, a branch of the National Museum in Krakow, were announced at a gala at the Juliusz Słowacki Theater. [...]

On Friday, October 11, 2019, the results of the competition to develop an architectural and urban design concept for the Stanislaw Wyspianski Museum, a branch of the [...]

Catherine Karolina Howorko on studying in France and Mexico

All about education - the best universities

14 of October '19

Katarzyna Karolina Howorko talks about ENSA de Paris-Malaquais and EnsAD in Paris in a series of podcasts in which Polish architecture, interior design and art students talk about their experiences at foreign architecture [...]

Katarzyna Karolina Howorko talks about ENSA de Paris-Malaquais and EnsAD in Paris in a series of podcasts in which Polish architecture, interior design and art students [...]

Paprocany, or architecture for ordinary people

Promenade and water playground on Lake Paprocany in Tychy

13 of October '19
Ośrodek Wypoczynkowy „Paprocany” w Tychach

Recreation Centre "Paprocany" in Tychy

photo: Tomasz Zakrzewski /

In Tychy, a promenade and a water playground have been created on Lake Paprocany. This public space, which operates independently of the city, has become a meeting and recreation place for residents. They come there to relax, take a walk or go on a date. [...]

In Tychy, a promenade and a water playground have been created on Lake Paprocany. This public space, which operates independently of the city, has become a meeting and [...]

Work well here

VOX brand products for the office

12 of October '19
Produkty marki VOX do biura

VOX brand products for the office


Investment in office interiors is just as important as in modern computer equipment, a fleet of cars or social packages. The wide and high-quality range of furniture and interior design products available on the market means that a modern office need not be just the domain of large corporations. What's more, it can be created without a general [...]

Investment in office interiors is just as important as in modern computer equipment, a fleet of cars or social packages. The wide and high-quality range of furniture and [...]

wait, loading


Architecture is the art of designing and building spatial forms and shaping the space between them. According to Vitruvius, author of the treatise "On Architecture of Books Ten," the basic principles of designing and constructing buildings are durability, utility and beauty.

Architecture provides a framework for living, working, learning and entertaining. The history of architecture is also the history of human civilization. It has shaped and changed over the centuries in accordance with the needs, current trends and available technological solutions. To this day, we can marvel at the elements of architecture of ancient cultures, admire the dominant styles in different centuries and see the diversity in architecture in different parts of the world.

architecture and business - portal of the architect, designer and architecture student

On the web portal Architecture and Business you will find daily news from the world of contemporary architecture. We present concepts and realizations of both public and office buildings, urban assumptions, revitalization and accompanying us every day - residential architecture, from modern single-family houses through examples of multi-family buildings to alternative forms of housing. We present modern projects, the latest realizations of Polish architects, write about the results of architectural competitions, promote important events, inform about innovative technologies and create a library of BIM files. You will find podcasts here, in which students talk about their experiences at foreign universities, job offers for architects and internship proposals for design students. You will read articles about current problems of Polish cities, interviews with architects, including Robert Konieczny, Szczepan Wronski and Krzysztof Ingarden, columns and author series by our authors.

Stone takes the stage - natural stone fair, September 24-27, Verona, Italy