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Creativity in the clouds. Office space for the gamedev sector

13 of September '24
w skrócie
  1. Adriana Chodzyńska created an office design for Silver Games Studio, which is located in the tallest building in Poznań - Andersia Silver.
  2. The main goal of the project was to design an office that supports the creativity of male and female employees through properly thought-out interiors and user experience techniques.
  3. The entire floor was divided into work and leisure zones, providing functionality and comfortable conditions for working people.
  4. The project features glazed interiors, vegetation and accessible solutions for people with disabilities, increasing the privacy and accessibility of the space.

  5. For more interesting information, visit the home page of the AiB portal

A {tag:studenci} from the Faculty of Architecture at Poznan University of Technology, in her engineering thesis, completed under the supervision of Professor Agata Gawlak, created a design of an office for the growing gamedev industry , located in the tallest building in Poznan - Andersia Silver (design: Ewa and Stanislaw Sipinski Architectural Studio).

rzut układu funkcjonalnego z oznaczeniem podziału na strefy

projection of the functional layout with zoning designation

© Adriana Chodzyńska

creative space for gamedev sector

The main goal of the work was to create an office that not only meets the needs of male and female employees in the gamedev sector, but also supports their creative activities with appropriately designed interiors. This project included a full range of activities: from research on the impact of the environment on creativity, to analysis of the building's functionality, to detailed technical solutions.

wizualizacja strefy wejściowej

visualization of the entrance area

© Adriana Chodzyńska

The author was keen to make the office a place where creativity is supported by well-thought-out interiors, using both modern trends and user experience research methods. It was this technique that made it possible to adapt the office to the real needs of male and female employees in the creative industry.

wizualizacja recepcji

visualization of the reception area

© Adriana Chodzyńska

Silver Games Studio

The office space realized for Silver Games Studio is a place with more than 2,000 m² of usable space designed to comprehensively meet the needs of male and female employees. A survey conducted by the author among the studio's staff helped define expectations, which was reflected in the design.

wizualizacja pomieszczenia biurowego

visualization of the office room

© Adriana Chodzyńska

work and rest zones

The entire floor of the office building has been divided into two main zones: a work area and a rest and recreation area. This functional division of space allows free movement between the different parts of the office, providing easy access to the relaxation zones without having to leave the work zone. The layout of the office takes advantage of the arrangement of staircases, elevators and toilets, creating a natural division into two main parts.

wizualizacja pomieszczenia inspiracji

visualization of the inspiration room

© Adriana Chodzyńska

The left side of the office contains the work space and the entrance area, welcoming both employees and visitors. The right side has been designated for rest areas, where you can not only relax, but also establish relationships with other colleagues or focus in silence.

wizualizacja pomieszczenia do pracy grupowej

visualization of a group work room

© Adriana Chodzyńska

consistent interior design

Silver Games Studio's interior design is characterized by consistent styling, based on natural materials such as wood, steel and structural three-dimensional elements. Adriana Chodzyńska's main concern was to introduce a modern climate while maintaining a cozy atmosphere, which was intended to support both work and relaxation. The interior color scheme is based on wood, black and gray, which emphasizes the modern yet subdued nature of the project.

wizualizacja strefy relaksu

visualization of the relaxation zone

© Adriana Chodzyńska

An element that distinguishes the project is the numerous vegetation, which plays a role not only decorative, but also affects the comfort of work. Plants bring freshness and life to the space, creating a natural contrast with the technical and industrial design elements.

glazed interiors accessible to all

Despite the use of numerous glazed areas, bringing light into the windowless rooms, the designer took care to ensure privacy for users and occupants. Fully glazed rooms are equipped with curtains so that those using them can decide whether they want to work in an open space or need more privacy.

wizualizacja toalety

visualization of the restroom

© Adriana Chodzyńska

Silver Games Studio's design takes into account the needs of people with disabilities. All zones and spatial solutions have been designed with accessibility in mind . Among other things, the design includes wide passageways, adapted toilets and special amenities to make it easier for all people, regardless of their physical limitations, to move around the office.

projekt biurka

desk design

© Adriana Chodzyńska

Aleksandra Skorupa

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