Katowice apartment decorated with murals

04 of March '24

We have previously presented one of the apartments awarded in the Art in Architecture Festival 2023 competition. Today we visit the second interior of the OVO Grąbczewscy Architekci project.

Projekt mieszkania nawiązuje do twórczości Pawła Wróbla

The design of the apartment refers to the work of Paweł Wróbel

Photo: Tomasz Zakrzewski / archifolio

Painterly inspirations

Two apartments in the Nikiszowiec district of Katowice were designed by Barbara Grąbczewska, Marek Grąbczewski, Oskar Grąbczewski, Kamil Kajdas, Maria Grąbczewska, Natalia Hołoś and Sandra Chodur. The architects were inspired by the work of Paweł Wróbel, a miner who worked in the Wieczorek mine and a member of the Grupa Janowska.

Architekci zachowali oryginalny zielony kolor podłogi

The architects kept the original green color of the floor

Photo: Tomasz Zakrzewski / archifolio

Subdued background

The second apartment is located on Odrowążów Street. Its windows face northwest. In order to make the interior as light and bright as possible, the architects opted for white. The bright background is formed by walls, furniture, curtains and accessories. They are complemented by wood and ceramic floors maintained in the original green color. The white base of the arrangement is broken by colorful references to Wróbel's work.

Podstawą aranżacji jest biel, która rozświetla i optycznie powiększa przestrzeń

The basis of the arrangement is white, which illuminates and optically enlarges the space

Photo: Tomasz Zakrzewski / archifolio

Art transferred to the interior

The first one, is a mural that is a tribute to the painter's work. It was made by longtime artistic supervisor of Grupa Janowska, Adam Plackowski. In the foreground, there is a characteristic motif of Wróbel's paintings — a procession of colorfully dressed figures with plain faces. The painting depicts energetic women, miners in gala attire, revelers and children playing among gardens, streets, cottages, townhouses, mine buildings and gentle hills combined into a fantastic whole. The second mural is a collage of piled-up floral, architectural and figural motifs. The painting adorns the kitchen and dining room space.

Murale inspirowane malarstwem Wróbla wprowadzają kolor do stonowanej aranżacji

The murals inspired by Wróbel's painting bring color to the subdued arrangement

Photo: Tomasz Zakrzewski / archifolio

A colorful interpretation

The architects borrowed colors from the murals and pixelated them into an abstract multicolored mosaic composition. This colorful cladding covers the bathroom walls. Their delicate afterimage is a stained-glass window made of resin-submerged petals of field flowers, a traditional decoration of Nikiszowiec celebrations and holidays.

Drugi mural zdobi ścianę w kuchni i jadalni Kolory zaczerpnięte z murali zostały przeniesione na mozaikę w łazience

Colors taken from the murals were transferred to the mosaic in the bathroom

Photo: Tomasz Zakrzewski / archifolio

Are you decorating your apartment? We have more inspiration for you!


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