Modern classic in shades of gray

29 of April '24
w skrócie
  1. The interior was designed by Katarzyna Kraszewska.
  2. The apartment is decorated in modern classic style.
  3. The interior was created by combining two apartments.
  4. The bedroom is maintained in shades of gray.
  5. For more interesting information, visit the main page of the PdD portal.

We have already previously presented the arrangement of three children's rooms located in a Warsaw apartment. Today we take a look at the master bedroom designed by Katarzyna Kraszewska.

Interior design tricks

The interior was created by combining two apartments. As a result, it has an impressive 280 m² of space. However, its disadvantage is small height. Therefore, the designers from the Katarzyna Kraszewska Architektura Wnętrz studio reduced the ceilings and used small, 6-centimeter lighting. Consistent use of doors reaching all the way to the top and smooth fronts of the built-in units also optically add to the height.

Ściana za łóżkiem została wyłożona panelami tapicerowanymi

The wall behind the bed was lined with upholstered panels

Photo: Tom Kurek Styling: Katarzyna Kraszewska

Cozy grays

The leitmotif of the bedroom arrangement is grays. Their delicate shades are broken in a slightly different way each time. The main element is, of course, the bed. Its soft headboard adds to the coziness of the interior. This effect is enhanced by carpeting. The wall behind the bed is covered with upholstered panels that overlap. The three-dimensional effect is enhanced by black edges and LED lighting.

Białe fronty zabudowy zostały ozdobione czarnym obramowaniem

The white fronts of the built-in were decorated with black lines

Photo: Tom Kurek Styling: Katarzyna Kraszewska

Decorative details

Another thing worth noting is lighting. On both sides of the bed we can find golden lamps that resemeble beads. An interesting graphic effect was achieved by juxtaposing the suspended ceiling with the wardrobe fronts framed in black. Elegance is added by the stone tops of the bedside tables.

Lampki przy łóżku przypominają koraliki Szafki nocne mają kamienne blaty

Lamps hung by the bed resemble beads

Photo: Tom Kurek Styling: Katarzyna Kraszewska

Are you decorating your apartment? We have more inspiration for you!


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