How to decorate an interior in eclectic style? Advises architect Hanna Pietras

03 of April '23

Choosing the style in which to decorate our apartment is one of the biggest design challenges. If you like different elements of many, sometimes even contradictory aesthetics, choose eclecticism. Architect Hanna Pietras advises how to introduce it into the interior.

Hanna Pietras - founder of the boutique interior design studio Hanna Pietras Architects. In the creative process, Hanna Pietras is guided by the belief that beauty and harmony elude finite definitions, rigid frameworks and established schemes. She enjoys experimenting with color and form, breaking conventions, combining styles, being inspired by trends, but not succumbing to them. She designs interiors that resonate with the energy of their owners and allow them to feel at ease in them.

Hanna Pietras

Hanna Pietras

Photo: private archives

A multitude of inspirations

Eclectic style derives from a multitude of interior design directions, art and decorative forms. The term "eclecticism" comes from the Greek word "eklektikos," which loosely means "to choose the best." It was originally used in philosophy to describe the process of choosing the best from a series of arguments in order to formulate one's own. The idea moved to architecture in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Instead of sticking to one movement, architects chose elements from different styles to create a whole new stylistic direction. Eventually, this design philosophy was transferred to the world of interior design. And how is eclecticism perceived today? It is gaining in popularity. Until recently, it was considered a hipster, cluttered style. Now more and more people are dreaming of an eclectic style in their interiors.

- It is, in my opinion, a style that allows us to have private things, incorporated into the interior. Thanks to it, we don't have to stress about whether a particular painting, grandmother's piece of furniture or antique rug fits, because if I know at the design stage what kind of memorabilia and furniture clients take with them to their new home, I can dress them up with the new interior - says architect Hanna Pietras.

Do stworzenia wnętrza w stylu ekletycznym wykorzystaj pamiątki

Use souvenirs to create an eclectic style interior

Design: Hanna Pietras Architects, cooperation Monika Ledzion


More is more

Eclecticism is different from most styles because it doesn't put any limits on us. However, there are some elements that are consistently used in eclectic interiors. One of them is the mixing of colors, textures and patterns. Accents of saturated colors are common. It is not uncommon, when looking at an eclectically designed space, to find antique furniture next to these modern pieces. Interweaving them with each other gives a beautiful contrast. Eclectic design is often inspired by global influences. Combining elements brought from distant travels is a great recipe for a one-of-a-kind space.

- It takes a keen sense and open-mindedness. Certainly, knowledge of other styles, furniture, finishing materials helps a lot, because it allows us to juggle ideas. To be bolder and more confident in our choices- adds the architect.

Połącz elementy vintage z nowoczesnymi

Combine vintage and modern elements

Design: Hanna Pietras Architects, cooperation Joanna Grzybowska

Photo: Follow The Flow Studio

Express yourself

Eclectic interior design is about presenting your personality in a room. When designing an interior in this style, free yourself from the hard rules associated with traditional interior design. This is the principle that Hanna Pietras adheres to in her designs. And why is it that the eclectic style appealed to her so much?

- I love interiors in mid-century modern style. On the other hand, it is very demanding and specific. There is design freedom in it, but only within a certain framework and design does not like limitations. I don't like limitations. When a clients comes to me - I talk to them for a long time. It turns out that very often they  can't define what they like in one word, because many directions appear. Eclecticism has a salutary effect here. It doesn't define - adds Pietras.

Porzuć reguły wystroju wnętrz na rzecz osobistej ekspresji

Abandon the rules of interior design in favor of personal expression

Design: Hanna Pietras Architects, cooperation Anastasia Lukiewicz

Photo: Follow The Flow Studio

You can read 10 questions to an interior designer with Hanna Pietras HERE


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