Prepare your garden wood for spring

23 of March '23

The increasingly longer and warmer days are a sign that it's  time to take care of your garden wood. It's a good idea to protect it now from the sun and changing weather conditions.

Wiosna to odpowiedni czas na zajęcie się drewnem ogrodowym

Spring is the right time to take care of garden wood

Spring cleaning

Spring is the time when we start using garden furniture. At this time it is worth thinking about wood renovation. This is because the destructive processes in wood are irreversible. Impregnation with a suitable product, such as varnish stain, will protect the wood for years. This product gives up to 12 years of protection against sun, water, frost and mold. When overhauling the wood in your home space, it's also worth thinking about wooden fences, pergolas or hothouses. Refreshed in the spring, they will repay you with durability and a beautiful appearance.

Nie zapomnij zadbać o drewniane płotki i pergole

Don't forget to take care of wooden fences and pergolas

© Tikkurila

How to carry out impregnation?

Before impregnation you must dry, clean and degrease the wood. If you do not do this, the preparation used will not penetrate the wood and will not protect it. It is best to use extraction gasoline for this purpose, thanks to which you will get rid of troublesome stains or resin. The work itself should be carried out at the right temperature, from 5°C to 20°C. Any holes and cavities should be filled with wood or a suitable putty. Usually two coats of the product are applied. However, more coats should be applied at the ends or in areas where the wood is raw, as these are much more absorbent elements.

Przeprowadź impregnację w ciepły słoneczny dzień

Carry out the impregnation on a warm sunny day

Go wild with color

Natural wood is always stunning. However, nothing prevents you from being tempted to play with colors. Garden wood will take on a unique character if you decide to paint it in an unobvious color. For example, a vivid blue against the natural light shade of wood and green grass will create a picturesque sight, especially when accompanied by blooming flowers.

Wybierz ciekawy kolor lakierobejcy, aby stworzyć oryginalną aranżację

Choose an interesting stain color to create an original arrangement

© Tikkurila

We have more information about wood protection for you. Click here

Compiled by: Katarzyna Szostak

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