Bedroom in a masculine style

15 of April '24
w skrócie
  1. The house in Warsaw's Zacisze district belongs to a family with two teenage children.
  2. The arrangement of its interiors was created by the TILLA Architects studio.
  3. The investors wanted to separate the private area.
  4. The men's bedroom is kept in dark colors.
  5. For more interesting information, visit the main page of the PdD portal

The house in Warsaw's Zacisze district belongs to a family with two teenage children. When choosing the color scheme of the interior, the designers from TILLA Architects were inspired by owners cat Frida.

Neutral color scheme

The investors like simple spaces filled with natural materials. The interior is kept in shades of beige and gray. Anthracite also appears in some places.

- We wanted the arrangement not be so austere, but have its own natural warmth — says Katarzyna Sławińska, owner of TILLA Architects.

Aranżacja utrzymana jest w ciemnych barwach

The arrangement is kept in dark colors

Styling: Katarzyna Sławińska and Julia Rawerska Photo: Tom Kurek

Masculine character

The owners wanted a clear separation of the private area. This part of the house consists of two bedrooms — a woman's and a man's, a bathroom and a dressing room. The investor's bedroom is kept in dark colors — black, deep brown and gray. The focal point of the room is an upholstered bed in cognac color. The piece of furniture was custom-made. The wall behind it, up to the height of the headboard, was finished with an anthracite veneered panel with grooves.

Ściana za łóżkiem została ozdobiona fornirowanym panelem

The wall behind the bed was decorated with a veneered panel

Styling: Katarzyna Sławińska and Julia Rawerska Photo: Tom Kurek

With attention to detail

This motif also appears on the lower fronts of the four-door closet. The upper part, on the other hand, is distinguished by the visible wood grain. It is worth noting the bedside tables. They have the same color as the closet, but are distinguished by the cut edges of the body. Lighting for reading is provided by small wall lamps. A striking decorative lamp on the right side of the bed sets the mood.

Górne fronty mają widoczne usłojenie, natomiast dolne są zdobione ryflowaniem

The upper fronts have visible grain, while the lower fronts are decorated with fluting

Styling: Katarzyna Sławińska and Julia Rawerska Photo: Tom Kurek

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