Outdoor living room. How to arrange a balcony or terrace to get an extra room?

28 of June '23
w skrócie
  1. You can arrange your balcony or terrace like an outdoor living room.
  2. Choose furniture that could stand in the living area.
  3. Add coziness to the arrangement with textile accessories.
  4. Remember about lighting.
  5. For more interesting information, visit the main page of the PdD portal.

Do you have limited space in your apartment? Or do you spend a lot of time outside and want to warm up the space? We suggest how to turn your balcony or terrace into a cozy living room.

Możesz nawet urządzić na tarasie mini kuchnię

You can even arrange a mini kitchen on the terrace

© WestwingNow

Living room relaxation

Invest in comfortable and stylish garden furniture that resembles that used in the living room. It can be, for example, a lounge set with a sofa, armchairs and a coffee table. If you are short of space, bet on comfortable poufs. It's important for you to remember that the furniture must have a sturdy construction and be made of materials that will withstand the weather. Add decorative pillows of different designs and colors. They are not only comfortable, but will also add character to the living area arrangement. You can also use bedspreads on sofas and armchairs to create a cozy atmosphere or hide unwanted elements. If the floor of your balcony or terrace is tiled, for example, you can place a rug on it. Choose a durable and easy-to-clean material.

Wybierz meble, które można ustawić w salonie

Choose furniture that can be placed in the living room

© WestwingNow

Cozy accessories

Install lighting that will create a pleasant mood in the evening. You can use wall sconces, standing lamps, garlands with bulbs or even lanterns. Try to choose warm light that will be pleasing to the eye and create an intimate atmosphere. Also use wall decorations, such as a mirror or decorative panels, to create a pleasant place to relax that resembles a living room. If you want more privacy, you can install curtains or screens to protect you from the wind and prying eyes.

Dodaj przytulności aranżacji za pomocą tekstyliów

Add coziness to your arrangement with textiles

© WestwingNow

Green accents

Add potted plants to give the arrangement a fresh and natural feel. You can go for a variety of plants, such as ferns, potted flowers or even miniature trees. Be careful, however, to choose plants that will grow well on a balcony or terrace depending on sun exposure.

Nie zapomnij o roślinach

Don't forget the plants

© WestwingNow

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