How to select a linear drainage system?

26 of January '23

An extremely wide range of linear drains can make your head spin. So what should you follow when choosing them? We suggest!

Odpływy liniowe dają nam wiele możliwości wyboru

Linear drains give us many choices


Visual consistency

The style of the interior design, the way the floor is finished or the sanitary fixtures influence the selection of the drain. The whole should look consistent and aesthetically pleasing. For a bathroom decorated in a minimalist style, subtle profiles made of stainless steel are ideal. On the other hand, if you want to hide the drain and integrate it almost invisibly into the floor, a proven solution will be models for filling with ceramic tiles or stone. A shower drain can also be a visual highlight, consistent with the finish of the rest of the equipment. Profiles with a special PVD coating are available on the market in red and optical gold, among others.

Odpływ może być też ozdobą łazienki

The drain can also be a decorative feature of the bathroom


Installation possibilities

Choosing a specific solution will also make it easier for us to determine where we want the drain to be located in the shower area, such as in the middle, at the entrance, or perhaps against the wall. If we decide on the third option, we should direct our attention to wall-mounted products, such as gutters with a special flange. Angled variants for corner installation with decorative stainless steel grates are also an interesting option.

Możesz wybrać odpływ kątowy

You can choose an angle drain


Comfort of use

In addition to aesthetic considerations, easy maintenance of the gutteris equally important. The body should be made of stainless steel and designed to provide the user with easy cleaning. Pay attention to whether the gutter is free of sharp edges and hard-to-reach spaces. It should be equipped with a special membrane trap, which will slow down water evaporation and act as a barrier to foam and insects. Properly designed shower profiles are also characterized by an internal slope that optimizes water drainage. This will achieve a self-cleaning effect and minimize the amount of time required for hygiene.

Poszukaj modelu, który będzie łatwy do utrzymania w czystości

Look for a model that is easy to keep clean


According to the standard

When choosing a drain, it's a good idea to be aware of standards, including load capacity, drain performance, temperature resistance and tightness. The load capacity for linear drains in residential buildings is 300 kg. As for the drain capacity, we should be guided by the capacity of the fixture, for example, for a handset with a flow rate of 0.4 l/s, select a drain with a minimum capacity of 0.5 l/s. What's more, drain components should additionally be resistant to high temperatures - from 20 to 95°C. The choice of a drain should be based primarily on a comparison of parameters regarding water throughput or the type of siphon. Linear drainage sets should be completed after verifying the parameters of the shower and the height of the floor in which such a set will be installed. In non-standard situations, such as when connecting drains under the ceiling, special models of siphons are recommended, such as vertical.

Odpływ powinien spełniać odpowiednie normy

The drain should meet the relevant standards


System modularity

It is worth making sure that a given solution is available as part of a complete system, which, in addition to the gutter, grate or profile - also includes siphons with different capacities and variants, as well as the necessary installation accessories. Thanks to modularity and completeness, as well as certified composite seals, we are assured of a solid and properly executed installation, which in turn means safety for years of use.

Najlepiej wybrać kompletny system

It is best to choose a complete system


Are you decorating your bathroom? We have more inspiration for you! ClickHERE


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