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Acoustic insulation of floors

17 of February '25

The world is changing, and with it we. We expect friendly workplaces, cozy, quiet apartments, leisure destinations rich in attractions. And silence plays a big role everywhere. With ever-tightening regulations, this poses a major challenge for architects and designers. One of the problematic topics is the proper sound insulation of floors. Here Getzner has developed floor insulation systems to suit the customer's requirements - whether economic or technical.

Underfloor mats - five types with varying effectiveness, thickness and load capacity. For use in housing, office buildings, fitness studios, etc.

  • ROLL - mat made of SBR and EPDM rubber granules.
    ΔLw = 22 dB, thickness 5 mm, load range 3,000 kg/m2
  • GREI - mat made of SBR and EPDM rubber granules.
    ΔLw = 24 dB, thickness 7 mm, load range 3,000 kg/m2
  • UPGREI - mat made of SBR and EPDM rubber granules.
    ΔLw = 26 dB, thickness 10 mm, load range 1,500 kg/m2
  • AFM 29 - polyurethane mat.
    ΔLw = 29 dB, thickness 11 mm, load range 5,000 kg/m2
  • AFM 33 - polyurethane granular mat.
    ΔLw = 33 dB, thickness 16 mm, load range 2,500 kg/m2
  • AFM 35 - polyurethane granulate mat.
    ΔLw = 35 dB, thickness 16 mm, load range 2,500 kg/m2

Maty podwylewkowe Roll, Grei oraz Upgrei

Roll, Grei and Upgrei subfloor mats

© Getzner

Maty podwylewkowe AFM 29, AFM 33 oraz AFM 35

AFM 29, AFM 33 and AFM 35 underfloor mats.

© Getzner

AFB polyurethane block system - for use in fitness studios, recording studios, cinemas, etc.

  • ΔLnw = 31 dB, dimensions 50×50×50 mm or 50×50×25 mm, load range 800 kg/m2

 System bloczków poliuretanowych AFB

AFB polyurethane block system

© Getzner

Note: The acoustic properties of all the above-mentioned materials are based not on theoretical calculations, but on tests conducted on a reference structure:

  • 8 cm of reinforced screed (190 kg/m2)
  • Getzner insulation material
  • 14 cm reinforced concrete floor (350 kg/m2)

The selection of a suitable solution, including insulation materials in strips, is facilitated by the FloorCalc calculation program available at Choosing a system, asking the thickness of the ceiling, the layer of the screed and the payload, we will get the calculated degree of insulation improvement ΔLw for the whole system and the degree of improvement of insulation from airborne sound Rw.

For more information, visit the company's {tag:Manufacturer} page on the PdA portal.

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