Stone facade. Is it worth going for it?

16 of May '23

When deciding on the facade of a house, we have a variety of materials to choose from. Façade stone, in particular, is unflaggingly popular. What are its pros and cons?

Kamień jest jednym z njapopularniejszych materiałów elewacyjnych

Stone is one of the most popular facade materials


Solid beauty

For thousands of years, natural stone has been used mainly for construction. These structures have stood the test of time, which proves the durability of this material. This is one of  the greatest advantages of facade stone as well as it's aesthetics. Slate, basalt, quartzite, sandstone and granite are very popular due to their classic and universal appearance. They will match virtually any type of architecture. From the classic one to modern buildings. At the same time, thanks to its unique patterns, colors and texture, it gives buildings an individual character. This material can also be easily combined with other facade finishes, such as plaster or wood. Facade stone is also very durable and resistant to weather conditions, including moisture, wind, precipitation and frost. Its resistance to these factors makes it ideal for outdoor use. Another advantage of natural stone is easy maintenance. It is enough to perform regular cleaning and impregnation so that it retains its beauty and durability for many years.

Kamień naturalny jest trwały na warunki atmosferyczne

Natural stone is durable to weather conditions

Photo: Arthur Hidden


One disadvantage of natural stone is certainly its weight. Facade stone is definitely heavier than other alternative materials. This means that it requires a strong structure that can seamlessly support its weight. Consequently, the installation of the stone also requires the experience and skills of a specialized contractor. The downside of facade stone is also its price. Stone is one of the more expensive building materials, which makes it expensive to use. We also need to choose the type of stone accordingly. For example, travertine is used in architecture because of its stunning texture. However, it is porous travertine is brittle and highly absorbent. This and its lack of sufficient resistance to damage and scratches make it unsuitable for outdoor use. Sandstone is also not one of the most durable materials, so when using it, a special curing technique is required, followed by regular impregnation.

Kamień jest drogim materiałem

Stone is an expensive material


Are you building a house? We have more information about facades for you! ClickHERE


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