Interior in the color of... butter? The shade butter yellow is the hit of 2025!

13 of February '25
w skrócie
  1. Butter yellow is one of the most popular colors of 2025.
  2. The warm, subtle shade of yellow has already conquered the fashion world, and now it is also making its way into interiors.
  3. Butter yellow is extremely versatile, so it will work well in many styles.
  4. Butter yellow goes well with pastels and natural materials.
  5. For more interesting information, visit the home page of the PdD portal

The color butter yellow, or a buttery shade of yellow, is taking fashion and interiors by storm in 2025. Its subtlety, warmth and versatility make it an ideal choice for those who want to bring a touch of coziness and elegance into their home. How to use the butter shade and what to combine it with? We suggest!

Ciepły odcień żółtego to jeden z największych trendów tego sezonu Butter yellow wpisuje się w modę na powrót do naturalności

Warm shade of yellow is one of the biggest trends of the season

© WestwingNow

Why should you bet on butter yellow?

Soft, warm and full of elegance. Butter yellow is a shade that works well in interior design, as it is subtle, but at the same time adds warmth and energy to the room. It is not as intense as classic yellow, so it does not overwhelm and easily matches other colors and styles. The creamy shade of yellow also fits perfectly into the trend of returning to naturalness and cozy, harmonious spaces.

Butter yellow wprowadza do wnętrza ciepło i energię Masełkowy łatwo dopasowuje się do różnych kolorów

Butter yellow brings warmth and energy to the interior

© WestwingNow

Butter yellow in different interior styles

Designers appreciate butter yellow for its versatility - it goes well with both minimalist Scandinavian style and classic elegance.

Vintage interiors

In retro style butter yellow can be a key accent, giving the space a cozy, yet distinctive character. Combined with pastel shades, dark wood or <a href=",27617.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener" title="How to choose wallpaper?"><strong>patterned wallpapers</strong></a> it will subtly refer to the aesthetics of the <strong>50s and 60s</strong> Juxtaposed with stylized furniture, colorful accessories and <a href=",10926.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener" title="Poster in the interior"><strong>artistic posters</strong></a> butterfly will add to the interior <a href=",32319.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener" title="A note of nostalgia, or traces of history in interiors"><strong>nostalgic charm</strong></a>.</p> <h3 class="article-middletitle-default article-middletitle-h3-cms-smaller">Minimalism</h3> <p class="body-paragraph-default body-paragraph">In <a href=",10683.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener" title="Modern style"><strong>modern</strong></a>,<strong><a href=",13627.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener" title="Minimalism">minimalist</a> arrangements</strong> butter yellow can provide a subtle accent to warm up an austere space. Combined with black, gray and metallic accessories such as<strong>chrome</strong> or <strong>steel</strong>, the color creates an elegant yet cozy decor. Buttery will go well especially in the company of <strong>geometric designs</strong>, <a href=",29760.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener" title="How to choose a lamp?"><strong>futuristic lighting</strong></a> and <strong>furniture with simple forms</strong>.</p> <p><img src="" width="350" height="467" alt="Butter yellow goes well with whites and grays" /> <img src="" alt="A geometric patterned rug in a butter shade works well in a modern setting" width="350" height="467" /></p> <p class="signature-cms-default signature">A geometric patterned rug in a butter shade works well in amodern arrangement</p> <p class="signature-cms-default signaturefot">© WestwingNow</p> <h3 class="article-middletitle-default article-middletitle-h3-cms-smaller">Rustic vibe</h3> <p class="body-paragraph-default body-paragraph">In <a href=",10705.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener" title="Rustic Style"><strong>Rustic Style</strong></a> butter yellow will go great with natural materials, such as <strong><a href=",12969.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener" title="Wood in the interior">wood</a>, linen and <a href=",23490.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener" title="Stone in the interior">stone</a></strong>. It is also an ideal choice for homes with a <a href=",26128.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener" title="Cottagecore"><strong>cottagecore</strong></a> climate, where it combined with ceramic accessories, wicker baskets or lace textiles will create an extremely cozy atmosphere. <strong>wooden ceiling beams</strong>, <strong>old sideboards</strong> and<strong>vintage accessories</strong> in this shade give the interior an idyllic, warm feel.</p> <h3 class="article-middletitle-default article-middletitle-h3-cms-smaller">Scandinavian style</h3> <p class="body-paragraph-default body-paragraph">Butter yellow fits perfectly into the aesthetics of <a href=",10137.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener" title="Scandinavian style"><strong>Scandinavian style</strong></a>, which is characterized by bright colors, natural materials and simplicity of forms. Combined with white, beige and wooden elements, it creates a harmonious, warm atmosphere. Accessories such as <a href=",32041.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener" title="How to choose curtains?"><strong>linen curtains</strong></a>, <strong>wool plaids</strong> or<strong> ceramics in pastel shades</strong> will perfectly emphasize the subtle elegance of this color.</p> <p><img src="" width="350" height="467" alt="Buttery yellow goes well with Scandinavian style" /> <img src="" width="350" height="467" alt="Butter yellow looks great paired with wood" /></p> <p class="signature-cms-default-signature">Butter yellow goes well with theScandinavian style</p> <p class="signature-cms-default signaturefot">© WestwingNow</p> <h2 class="article-middletitle-default article-middletitle-h3-cms">How to bring butter yellow into an interior?</h2> <p class="body-paragraph-default body-paragraph"><strong>Butter yellow </strong>can be used in many ways, depending on whether you want a subtle accent or a stronger effect. Soft, <strong>butter yellow on the walls</strong> is a great alternative to classic beige or white, giving the space warmth. Furniture in this shade, such as <strong>sofa, armchair or dresser</strong>, can become a distinctive element of the arrangement. For those who prefer more subtle changes, the ideal solution will be accessories - <strong>cushions, curtains, <a href=",27970.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener" title="Which rug to choose?">rugs</a>, ceramics or lamps in butter yellow</strong> will give the interior a gentle charm without requiring a complete metamorphosis. In <strong>kitchen and dining room</strong> you can bet on butter yellow in the form of <a href=",30265.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener" title="Furniture fronts"><strong>furniture fronts</strong></a>, <a href=",10159.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener" title="Choosing chairs"><strong>chairs</strong></a> or small decorative elements such as <strong>tableware</strong>.</p> <p><img src="" width="350" height="467" alt="The butter yellow lamp will give the interior a subtle charm" /> <img src="" alt="You can introduce a butter shade to an interior e.g. with textiles" width="350" height="467" /></p> <p class="signature-cms-default signature">You can introduce a butter shade to an interior e.g. with textiles or lighting</p> <p class="signature-cms-default signature">You can introduce a butter shade to an interior e.g. with textiles or lighting</p> <p class="signature-cms-default signature">It will give a subtle charm to an interior. with textiles or lighting</p> <p class="signaturefot-cms-default signaturefot">© WestwingNow</p> <h2 class="article-middletitle-default article-middletitle-h3-cms">What to combine butter yellow with?</h2> <p class="body-paragraph-default body-paragraph"><strong>Butter yellow</strong> is an extremely versatile shade that goes well with many colors and materials. It goes well with<strong>natural raw materials</strong>, such as wood, linen or stone, emphasizing their organic character. It goes well with pastel colors such as <strong>white, beige</strong>, <a href=",10739.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener" title="Pink in the interior"><strong>powder pink</strong></a> or<a href=",22495.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener" title="Green in the interior"><strong>sage green</strong></a>, creating a harmonious and light composition. Butter yellow also looks great juxtaposed with <strong>olive green</strong>, <a href=",37856.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener" title="Navy blue in the interior"><strong>granate</strong></a>, or<strong> terracotta</strong> giving the interior depth and character. In combination with<strong>black</strong> and <strong>graphite</strong>, on the other hand, it takes on a modern and elegant expression, perfectly fitting in with <a href=",27574.html" target="_blank" rel="noopener" title="Industrial style"><strong>industrial style</strong></a> or <strong>minimalist</strong>.</p> <p><img src="" width="350" height="467" alt="A vase in butter yellow shade will enliven a space" /> <img src="" width="350" height="467" alt="Butter yellow combined with navy blue give an interesting contrasting effect" /></p> <p class="signature-cms-default signature">Butter yellow combined with navy blue give an interesting contrasting effect.combined with navy blue give an interesting contrasting effect</p> <p class="signature-cms-default signaturefot">© WestwingNow</p> <p class="body-paragraph-default body-paragraph">Do you decorate your apartment? We have more <a href="" class="link-normal" target="_blank" title="PdD Inspirations" rel="noopener"><strong>inspiration</strong></a> for you!</p> <p class="author-cms-default author">Development:<span> </span><a href=",2352.html" class="link-normal" target="_blank" title="Katarzyna Szostak" rel="noopener">KATARZYNA SZOSTAK</a></p>.

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