How to use wooden pallets at home, in the garden and on the balcony

24 of January '22

Pallet furniture and decorations are a unique idea to give them a second life and recycle them . In no time at all, we can create a highly functional sofa, coffee table or other furniture for the home or garden. It's a cheap, creative and ecological solution - perfect when we don't want to spend a fortune. Here are some suggestions for using pallets to create interesting furniture.

Preparation of pallets

First of all, we must remember to prepare the pallets properly. When we want to use them in any case it is worth sanding their surface. The raw wood of pallets often has a lot of splinters, with which we can injure ourselves. In the case of furniture, it is also necessary to remember about proper impregnation ifwe want our pieces to keep their beautiful appearance for a longer time. Garden furniture should be impregnated especially well, with agents resistant to changing temperatures and weather conditions.

Sofa z palet to wygodne
rozwiązanie nie tylko do ogrodu

Sofa from pallets is a convenient solution not only for the garden

© PxHere


This is one of the most popular uses of pallets. To make such a DIY sofa we need only a few pallets, a piece of upholstery foam and fabric with an interesting pattern. All we need to do is to arrange the pallets accordingly and screw them together for more stability. Next, we cut the foam (ideally, its thickness should exceed 10 cm) and measure how big a piece of fabric should be needed to hem it, and we're all set! Now you can sit down comfortably. Such a sofa will be suitable not only for the outdoors, properly finished wood will also be a great interior decoration.

Malując paletę na różne
kolory, możemy stworzyć ciekawe tło dla naszych kwiatów

By painting the palette in different colors, we can create an interesting background for our flowers

© Matt Seymour

Colorful decoration

Apallet painted in distinctive colors will be a great decoration especially for our gardens. All we need is a paint brush and a bit of paint. If we want a uniform surface to paint some masterpiece, we can always attach a plate to the pallet. With a strong frame, our decoration will be stable.

Półka z palet wygląda
niezwykle rustykalnie

A shelf made of pallets looks extremely rustic

© Troye Owens/


Here, too, creativity is the key. We can join two pallets together and screw the top to them. This will be a great solution for summer garden sittings with friends.


Screwing wheels to the pallet, we can make an extremely practical movable table. We can also try a little harder and pour epoxy resin over the planks of the tablet op, creating an even surface.

Taras wykonany z palet to
tani i szybki sposób na utwardzenie terenu

A terrace made of pallets is a cheap and fast way to harden the area

© PxHere


This is a very inexpensive solution for getting a larger area to be used as a terrace. Thanks to the gaps between the boards, adequate air circulation is ensured. If we want an even surface, we can attach boards or panels to the pallets obtaining a very nice finish.


By screwing a few hooks to the pallet, we can create a hanger for clothes, keys or even gardening utensils. It all depends on our imagination.

Taki kreatywny dom dla owadów,
może być również wspaniałą dekoracją

Such a creative home for insects, can also be a great decoration

© Mika Baumeeister

Insect house

Aninsect house is a great way to lure beneficial insects to our garden and help them survive the cold days. Most of the materials needed for construction can be found on a trip to the woods or even in our garden.

Nawet zagłówek łóżka może
być wykonany z drewnianej palety

Even the headrest of the bed can be made from a wooden pallet

© Depositphotos


A bed made of pallets is one of our favorite suggestions! To build it, we need to arrange the pallets properly and join them together. We can always leave the pallets in their natural color or paint them in a shade that matches our interior. Thanks to the fact that we can stack several pallets on top of each other, the height of the bed will be adjusted to our preferences. We can place LED lights between the pallets, adding a unique atmosphere. Finally, we put a comfortable mattress and we can fall asleep!

Piękny stojak na kwiaty może
być umieszczony na przykład na balkonie

A beautiful flower stand can be placed, for example, on the balcony

© Stephanie Booth/

Flower stand

Using a pallet, we can make a useful flower stand, which will be great for decorating our balcony, for example. Such a decoration will not take up much space, and it will certainly add variety to any corner.

Elaboration: Dominika Tyrlik

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