8 ways to make an unused room in your home

10 of December '21

Sometimes it so happens that in your home you will find a space that is not very well used. A room without an idea of its function often becomes the so-called: "clutter", where we store quite unnecessary trinkets. If you are looking for inspiration for developing such a place, here are 8 ideas for arranging a spare room!

Salę kinową możemy
wzbogacić o dodatkowe głośniki

We can enrich the cinema room with additional speakers

© loeve

1. unconventional cinema room

This is a great idea, although a slightly higher budget is needed. You will need a TV or a projector that will display movies on the wall or a special screen. Also take care of surround sound by installing speakers. Comfortable couches, pouffes or recliners are what will keep you comfortable. You can also make the whole auditorium yourself, using, for example, pallets and foams trimmed with colorful materials. Done! Now this room looks extremely comfortable and is the perfect place to curl up and watch a good movie.

W takiej garderobie już nigdy
nie zabraknie miejsca na żadne z ubrań

In such a closet you will never run out of room for any of your clothes again

©Huy Nguyen

2 Additional closet

Do you feel that your current closet is too small? Do you constantly have clothes scattered all over the house, or maybe you want to get rid of your dresser to make more space in your bedroom? Use your spare room as a closet. You will need plenty of clothes hangers and shelves for shoes, for example. If there is a corner left, you can be tempted to have a bit of filmy luxury and insert a mirror, a sofa or an armchair. Now you can feel like in your own kingdom!

W dedykowanym pomieszczeniu dla
artysty lub majsterkowicza nie będzie już problemu z przyrządami krzątającymi się po całym domu

In a dedicated room for an artist or DIY enthusiast, there will no longer be a problem with instruments roaming around the house

©Annie Spratt

3 A room full of passion

A spare room can be the right place to set up an art studio. Turn it into a peaceful and inspiring place where you can be creative and get away from your daily chores. Think what passions the household members have, maybe someone loves DIY, painting or creates jewelry? In such a room, you don't have to clean up the work once started every time!
Depending on the passion, let's adjust this room by adding additional cabinets or drawers. Light is also very important - primarily natural light, but also lamps. Make sure that each workspace is adequately illuminated.

W zacisznym biurze łatwiej
skupić się na pracy

In a quiet office, it's easier to focus on work

©Nathan Dumlao

4 A home office

Over the past few months, remote work has grown in popularity. If you work from home relatively often, you can use your extra room as a place specifically for work. You can then separate your professional and private spheres and focus on your work without distractions. Everything you need will be in one place. Decorate the room with colors you like so that you feel comfortable in it. Also keep in mind the health of your back if your work is sedentary. Choose the right chair for your needs and other accessories that will remind you to change your posture.

Dzieci uwielbiają budować
szałasy i chować się w zakamarkach

Children love to build shacks and hide in nooks and crannies

©Nathan Dumlao

5 Dedicated playroom for children

Those with children can think about using the spare room as a playroom. Arrange all the toys to create a large space for follies, games and activities.
Think about buying a large area rug so that it is more comfortable to sit directly on the floor. Stock the place with plenty of arts and crafts supplies, or you might be tempted to set up a tent or even build some sort of wooden structure. In case of rainy weather, your kids will never be bored again!

We can illuminate the plants with special lamps

© Vadim Kaipov

6 A year-round garden

Turn a spare room into a room for growing plants and enjoy a green jungle through all seasons. In such a dedicated room you can control the temperature and light coming in. You never have to worry about the cold, and if there is a shortage of light, you can install special lighting lamps. Such a room can replace a winter garden!

Własnoręcznie zrobione
półki na książki dodadzą klimatu w nowej bibliotece

Homemade bookshelves will add to the atmosphere in your new library

©Paul Melki

7. library - not only for bookworms

Fans of reading will love this room, which features floor-to-ceiling bookshelves. Finishing the room with a few comfortable chairs and sofas, you'll create an interior where you can also just sit or take a quick nap in a more intimate and quiet environment.
The shelves are easy to build yourself. You can also put custom-made shelves there in the right style for a more upscale look. Make sure the lighting in the room is good. This is where floor lamps will be ideal

Własna siłownia
z pewnością pomoże w zmotywowaniu się do ćwiczeń

Your own gym will certainly help motivate you to exercise

© Jonathan Borba

8 Something for the body - a gym

Depending on what style of activity you like, you can turn that spare space in your home into something that will also benefit maintaining physical fitness. This could be an amazing home gym with everything you need or a relaxing yoga studio.
Put a large mirror or even a few mirrors on the wall and make sure you have mats you can put on a hard floor.

Development: Dominika Tyrlik

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