Retro kitchen opposite the Wawel Castle

13 of April '22

The inspiration for this interior was the immediate surroundings of the Wawel Castle. The kitchen in this realization is a narrow and high space at the same time. How did the designers from MM Architekci studio arrange the kitchens?

wnętrze ma nawiązywać do stylu retro

The interior is supposed to refer to the retro style

Photo: Jeremiasz Nowak, style. Anna Bacik, © MM Architekci

The investors were keen to preserve the unique climate of the place. The tenement in which the investment was located is not far from Wawel Castle. The space to be developed was very narrow - the kitchen was only 2.70 meters wide. It was, as is often the case in old tenements, very high.

How was the space divided?

The designers opted for double-sided development. The exception is to break it at the very end. On the right side, the built-in was replaced by a freestanding table with a white leg and a glass top. It was joined by three simple chairs with a refined shape.

czarny okap

White is absolutely dominant in this interior

Photo: Jeremiah Nowak, Style. Anna Bacik, © MM Architects

dominant white

The cabinets and fronts in this realization are dominated by pure white with small milling. This gives the interior a classic, calm character. The color scheme of the window frames was also kept in this tone. Two patterns were used on the floor. It was laid with hexagonal tiles. Some of them are white, and some are patterned with an arabesque motif.

zaraz przy balkonie zlokalizowano stolik

Right next to the balcony a table was located

Photo: Jeremiasz Nowak, Style. Anna Bacik, © MM Architects

elegance of accents

Also important in this interior was the choice of accessories and household appliances. Note the black hood located above the cooktop. The black, simple form blends into the interior. When it comes to accessories, retro-style items reign supreme here. Old scales, jugs, trays. The mix of old and new is one of the character elements of this interior.

akcesoria to wyjątkowa mieszanina starego i nowego

The accessories are a unique blend of old and new

Photo: Jeremiah Nowak, style. Anna Bacik, © MM Architects

an unmistakable ceiling

How was the ceiling arranged? The unique feature of the apartment, which was the cradle layout, was used. The designer convinced the investors to preserve this unique layout - sandblasting the brick and painting the beams a dark brown color. The result was a unique ceiling that is hard to fake.

sufit jest tą częścią domu, której nie da się podrobić

The ceiling is the part of the house that cannot be faked

Photo: Jeremiasz Nowak, Style. Anna Bacik, © MM Architects

developed by Wiktor Bochenek

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