Make plans for spring garden cleanup

20 of March '23

Tomorrow is the first day of spring! This means the beginning of the season for garden work. What should be included in spring cleaning?

Marzec to początek sezonu prac ogrodowych

March is the beginning of the garden work season

© WestwingNow

The right time

It's best to choose a sunny, windless day for your first garden work. You will need pruning shears , a garbage bag, protective gloves and a rake. For starters, remove winter coverings from shrubs and year-round flowers. If you keep them too long, the bandaged plants begin to let go of tender shoots that freeze or languish in the harsh sun when uncovered.

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Take care of the necessary tools

© WestwingNow

Take care of the lawn

The beginning of spring is a good time to brush your lawn. Rake up any leaves and dry twigs. This will stimulate the blades to grow and aerate the turf. Be careful to do this carefully, however, so that you don't pull the soaked turf off the ground. You can use the organic waste as compost. You can also think about sowing grass already. However, remember to clean the ground and fertilize it properly.

Pamiętaj o grabieniu trawnika

Remember to rake the lawn

© WestwingNow

Take care of the weeds

This is the right time to tackle weeds. It's a good idea to pull them out before they bloom. That way they won't take up most of the plot. Wanting to pull them out by the roots, you can use a tool called a weeder. You can also spray the weeds with a product that destroys dicotyledonous plants. However, such a product can only be applied in spots.

Wyeliminuj chwasty Pamiętaj o usunięciu chwastów

Eliminate weeds

© WestwingNow

New plants

March is the right time to prepare beds intended for single-season plants. Don't forget to fertilize bulbous plants, too. It's also a good time to trim fruit trees and plant roses, some vegetables and ornamental grasses.

Marzec to dobry czas na przygotowanie rabaty Pamiętaj o nawozie

March is a good time to prepare your flower bed

© WestwingNow

Are you designing a garden? We have more inspiration for you! ClickHERE


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