Monochrome home office

08 of February '24

The investors wanted a minimalist, clean, subdued interior with a predominance of one color - black. Their dream was fulfilled by architect Katarzyna Arsenowicz.

Aranżacja opiera się na czerni

The arrangement is based on black

Photo: Yassen Hristov Styling: Agnieszka Możdżer

Cozy minimalism

The study is part of a nearly three hundred square meter house. The architect divided this impressive space into two parts — the living and the private area. This was one of the expectations of the investors. What was another one? They wanted the interiors to be dominated by dark colors and not be overloaded with equipment. Only the most necessary furniture as few ornaments and decorative details as possible.

- I like decisive clients. Their sense of aesthetics was very inspiring for me when working on the design of individual rooms — says Katarzyna Arsenowicz.

Rozsuwana ściana pokryta jest fornirem Gabinet został oddzielony od salonu za pomocą ruchomej ściany

The study was separated from the living room by a movable wall

Photo: Yassen Hristov Styling: Agnieszka Możdżer

Elegant black

Lined with dark veneer, the sliding wall is a movable boundary between the living room and the study . The workspace, like the entire house, is minimalist. The main element of the arrangement is a desk in the form of a large veneered block. The monolithic piece of furniture is plain at the front, however, at the back it hides many practical storage compartments and solutions for storing necessary electronic equipment such as a computer. Behind the desk, there is a cabinet of similar form. It is a place intended for documents and office accessories. Thanks to this, it is easy to maintain order and prevent clutter from disrupting the ascetic styling. Everything is highlighted by sophisticated lamps.

Biurko ma formę monolitycznej bryły Za biurkiem stoi szafka o podobnej formie

The desk has the form of a monolithic block

Photo: Yassen Hristov Styling: Agnieszka Możdżer

Play of textures

A separate bathroom is assigned to the study. Such a solution provides comfort, as it ensures that while working, the investor does not have to leave his home office area. The interior is dominated by black sinters. They were used, among other things, for lining the entrance door on the bathroom side. This is a clever trick, which makes one piece of equipment fit into two different arrangements and at the same time clearly marks the boundaries between rooms. There are also suspended dark oak cabinets and a simple mirror. The furniture top with the sink is made of elegant granite.

Obok gabinetu znajduje się łazienka

There is the bathroom next to the study

Photo: Yassen Hristov Styling: Agnieszka Możdżer

Are you decorating your apartment? We have more inspiration for you!


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