5 ways to organize an eclectic style interior

23 of May '23

How to arrange an interior in eclectic style? What exactly is this style? We present 5 things that are necessary when creating such an interior.

Eclecticism - the name of this style is derived from the Greek word "eklektikos", which means "to choose the best". It is a combination of many interior design directions, art and decorative forms. In architecture, this trend gained popularity in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The biggest advantage of eclectic style is undoubtedly the ability to take inspiration from many different interior trends and create a unique whole from them.

Meticulously planned clutter

Eclecticism is based on mixing colors, textures and patterns. Let your imagination run wild and test out juxtapositions that on paper don't seem to match. Perhaps you can create an intriguing set? Insulate raw brick with wood. Juxtapose a modern lounge with a classic lamp and put both metal industrial chairs and boho-style rattan ones around the dining table.

Zestaw różne krzesła

Set of different chairs

Designed by Hanna Pietras Architects, collaboration by Monika Ledzion Photo: RASPBERRY WORKSHOP

Leading theme

To avoid chaos in the interior, choose a theme. It can be a material such as wood, one dominant style or pattern. You can complement the whole with elements that will be completely opposite, but this will make the arrangement consistent. The leitmotif should make up about 70% of the arrangement. The matter is similar when it comes to colors. Choose a few base colors, which you complement with intense accessories.

Motyw przewodni bieli został przełamany intensywnym żółtym

The white theme is broken with intense yellow

© Ayuko Studio

Stylistic contrasts

Don't be afraid to combine different sometimes even extreme styles. In an eclectic interior you will find antique furniture next to modern forms. Here classic stucco mixes with industrial lighting and a rustic table with glamour-style chairs. The most important thing is that the individual elements fit together and create a clever mishmash!

Połącz sztukaterię z industrialnym oświetleniem

Combine stucco with industrial lighting

Photo by Marek Koptyński

Private treasures

No other style makes it so easy to incorporate personal trinkets into the arrangement. Thanks to eclectic styling, we don't have to worry whether a piece of furniture left by grandparents or a souvenir from a foreign trip will stand out against the rest of the room. Such elements add charm to the interior and make it unique.

Wprowadź do wnętrza osobiste elementy

Introduce personal elements into the interior

Design: Hanna Pietras Architects, collaboration Anastasia Lukiewicz Photo: Follow The Flow Studio

Express yourself

Eclecticism will be perfect for creative people who are not afraid to go outside the box. After all, you won't find two the same or even similar interiors in eclectic style. If you are interested in architecture, design, art or fashion, this style is perfect for you! Thanks to its flexibility, eclecticism allows us to frequently change details and test out-of-the-box solutions. That's why, it will also work perfectly for people who have a limited budget or simply don't yet know what they want their dream home to look like. Go to a flea market. Check out local manufacturers. Eclecticism gives us the space to test and find what works best for us.

Pokaż swoje pasje i zainteresowania za pomocą aranżacji

Show off your passions and interests with arrangements

Photo by Norbert Banaszyk, © Miastoprojekty

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