12 ideas for a unique wall

22 of December '21

While blank walls can add balance to our interiors, they are often just a great opportunity to create a unique decoration. They're really ideal places to tell the story of your life and can give guests a clue as to who you are and what you're interested in. If you've been avoiding arranging empty wall space because you just don't know what to use, now's your chance to get inspired. Fortunately, there is no shortage of ideas for wall arrangements. The following ideas will help you turn boring, bare walls into charming galleries, pretty collections and distinctive accents in your interior.

Zdjęcia mogą być ułożone
w różne kształty

Photos can form different shapes

© Danila Hamsterman

1. family gallery

It's the kind of memory wall that brings back the best memories of a lifetime. You can arrange the photos in the same sizes and evenly spaced, create a specific shape out of them, or simply arrange them in different directions, creating an artistic disorder. As for mounting, you can use pins. If you don't want to damage the wall, a special adhesive mounting compound will be a good idea. Now all you need to do is to choose your favorite pictures and print them! We guarantee that every guest will look at the gallery with delight!

Podkładki z klipsem
ułożone w sekwencji tworzą ciekawą dekoracje

Clip pads arranged in a sequence, create an interesting decoration

© Jason Briscoe

2. clip-on placemats

If your desk is swamped with piles of papers. Bills, grocery lists, receipts, notes to yourself, photos cut out of magazines - nothing has its place. Maybe it's time to get that pile of clippings under control. Instead of letting the papers pile up, in which you can easily get lost, divide them into categories, attach them to pads with clipsand nail them to the wall. It sounds extravagant, but when you arrange several such pads in some sort of sequence, it's quite an aesthetically pleasing and practical interior design idea.

Perforowane panele ścienne
nadają się nie tylko do warsztatu

Perforated wall panels are suitable not only for the workshop

© Sophia Y

3. perforated wall panels

This is a great solution especially in the kitchen, office or children's room. Pegboards are a really practical solution for providing more storage without taking up a lot of space. Since they are mounted on the wall, they thus become an unusual decoration. Such perforated panels can be made of wood or metal. Unique color blocks will give this practical solution a touch of personality!

Geometryczne kształty można
uzyskać bardzo łatwo, używając taśmy malarskiej

Geometric shapes can be achieved very easily, using painter's tape

© Sophia Baboolal

4. geometric stripes

They are simple to make and unique. Geometric patterns on the wall are a great idea to cheer up the interior. You won't find two the same. Unless you yourself decide to reproduce a given pattern 1:1. To make them you need only painter's tape, paint and a unique idea.

Malowane talerze to prawdziwe
dzieła sztuki

Painted plates are true works of art

© Hadi Yazdi

5 Gallery of plates

If your best tableware is too beautiful to eat dinner in, or you have decorative antique plates hidden in a cabinet, make a wall gallery of them. Choose several different sizes and designs, and measure the position of each piece on the wall before you hammer in the nails. Make sure you have the proper spacing. Such ornaments are often works of art so we can use special stands or homemade mounts attached to the back of the plate to fix them. This is most important if we do not want to damage them.

Makrama nadaje wnętrzu
ciepły, przyjemny charakter

Macramé gives the interior a warm, pleasant character

© Curology

6 - Macramé on the wall

The fashion for macramé is back and is not going anywhere. If you want to bring a boho style accent to your interior, this is the idea for you! This artistic form brings plenty of texture and charm to a space, whether you choose a flowerbed or a macramé painting hanging on the wall.

Zamiast gazet na ścianie możesz umieścić stare mapy, lub to czym się interesujesz

Instead of newspapers on the wall, you can place old maps, or whatever you're interested in

© Egor Vikhrev

7. wallpaper made of old newspapers

This one slogan can mean a lot. A decorative wall can be made of ordinary modern newspapers. However, if you are a fan of the communist or vintage period, you can use newspapers or old books from that period. In either case, you can choose only the interesting pages and arrange them so that there is something to read about. Instead of newspapers on the wall you can put old maps, collecting them is quite a treat, but the great effect is brick!

Taka ściana to prawdziwa
tablica ogłoszeń

Such a wall is a real bulletin board

© Jesse Bowser

8. blackboard paint

Another very expressive and practical design element. It will also work well as a dark accent that will add character to your interior. By painting the wall with this type of paint, you can write on it and paint using whiteboard chalk or a special erasable marker. Whiteboard paint is one option, and magnetic paint is also available on the market, which is also an interesting solution. Now you can inform other household members about everything, they will certainly notice what you want to communicate!

Płyty winylowe to świetna
opcja, aby urozmaicić pustą ścianę

Vinyl records are a great option to spruce up a blank wall

© Jason Leung

9. vinyls

This is an idea that will appeal to more than just music lovers. Vinyl records are a great option to spruce up a blank wall. Not only are they available in bright colors that catch the eye, but they also allow you to highlight your favorite music. Options for placing the plates on the wall are quite a lot. Hooks, allow you to remove the records from the wall and play them on a turntable. If you want to use the records only as decoration, consider attaching them to the wall with mounting tape or pins.

Na ścianie możemy przywiesić
materiał ze swoim ulubionym obrazem, wzorem lub jakąś postacią

We can hang material on the wall with your favorite picture, pattern or some character

© Andrea Davis

10. fabric tapestry

A very quick solution will be to place a fabric with an interesting pattern or picture on the wall. It can also be a carpet however it is a bit heavier option. With this solution we can easily express ourselves.

Drewniane skrzynki można
malować na różne kolory

Wooden boxes can be painted in different colors

© Danie Tafjord

11. fruit boxes

If you have little storage space, you can attach fruit boxes to the whole wall. This will be a great gallery for trinkets, if you are worried about dust, here you can also usedecorative boxes to hide all your treasures. As for the color scheme - here we have a lot of possibilities, you can paint the wood in different colors or keep it natural.

Dzięki panelom z korka
możesz zmieniać wystrój częściej

With cork panels you can change the decor more often.

© Bjorn Antonissen

12. cork wall

A space completely covered with cork - a home bulletin board. Not only is it incredibly practical, it also soundproofs and gives the interior a warm atmosphere. You can decorate it with anything that inspires you - completely changing its color.

Elaboration: Dominika Tyrlik

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