Enliven your kitchen with custom furniture fronts

03 of February '22

There are two categories in the kitchen world: kitchen cabinets from IKEA and everything else. We often choose them for accessibility and functionality. However, the color range of the fronts may not always suit us. See how to refresh your kitchen and give your kitchen furniture a unique touch.

Custom fronts!

Kitchen cabinets can serve us for years, especially when we have invested in very expensive self-closing hinges and rails. Many manufacturers, therefore, have caught on to this trend and produce special fronts for original cabinets of a well-known brand. We can choose from many vendors, styles and materials of furniture. Such a kitchen renovation is a serious matter - it's not a quick DIY upgrade - but the results will be truly spectacular. We present suggestions for kitchen furniture depending on the style of the fronts to be replaced.

Modernity with a touch of tradition

Timeless classics will fit into any interior design. Fronts with additional decorations will remind you of traditional kitchens, but thanks to a wide range of colors they will be suitable even for modern arrangements.

Klasyczne zaoblenia mogą dodać wnętrzu kuchni odrobinę charakteru vintage Klasyczne zaoblenia mogą dodać wnętrzu kuchni odrobinę charakteru vintage

Classic curves can add a touch of vintage character to the kitchen interior

© Njufront

Stonowane kolory i proste wykończenia

Subdued colors and simple finishes

© Njufront

Unique minimalism

Fronts with hidden handles and their uniform shades bring to mind minimalist interiors. Such a solution, especially in a kitchen where there is usually a lot going on, can be a hit.

Starannie dopracowany minimalizm

Carefully refined minimalism

© Fropt

Klasyczna, ale odważna kolorystyka frontów trafi w każde gusta

Classic, but bold colors of fronts will hit every taste

© Fropt

Warmth of wood

For those who appreciate natural materials in interiors, they will also find wooden fronts. Such a timeless solution will give any kitchen a touch of warmth.

Fronty mogą mieć także bardziej naturalne wykończenie

Fronts can also have a more natural finish

© Njufront

Minimalistyczne fronty z naturalnego forniru dębowego.

Minimalist fronts in natural oak veneer.

© Fropt

Piękno naturalnego drewna, niepowtarzalność, jakość bez kompromisów.

The beauty of natural wood, uniqueness, quality without compromise

© Njufront

A touch of extravagance

Mixing patterns and colors is undoubtedly an advantage of self-selecting fronts. Here, the right choice of colors matters, but also textures. Look at the beautiful embossing!

Szaleństwo kolorów i wzorów dopasowane do indywidualnych upodobań

A frenzy of colors and patterns tailored to individual tastes

© Njufront

Od bezpiecznych i zawsze modnych połączeń wzorów i kolorów do eklektycznej ekstrawagancji.

From safe and always fashionable combinations of patterns and colors to eclectic extravagance.

© Njufront

Elaboration: Dominika Tyrlik

Photos and information courtesy of brands © Fropt and © Njufront

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