How to decorate a cozy and functional bedroom? 3 practical tips from interior designers

29 of November '24
w skrócie
  1. To create a cozy atmosphere in the bedroom, use soothing colors.
  2. Lay out the space well.
  3. Don't place too many objects in the room.
  4. Choose solid furnishings to suit your individual needs.
  5. For more interesting information, visit the home page of the PdD portal

How to decorate a bedroom in which we will feel good and rest properly? How to combine your favorite aesthetics with functionality? Here are 3 practical tips from Marta Iglewska and Radek Wójcik of Interiorsy studio.

Dobrze zaplanowana aranżacja sypialni zapewni Ci odpowiedni wypoczynek

A well-planned bedroom arrangement will ensure you get adequate rest

© Interiorsy

Soothing colors

The color scheme plays a key role in creating a cozy atmosphere. Neutral shades such as beiges, whites, browns and grays help calm the senses. Soft pastels such as blue or girly pink will also work well. However, if we like bolder arrangements, noir style is a good choice.

- When designing a bedroom, we very much like to draw inspiration from the noir style. It fits naturally with the concept of a space used for relaxation. Of course, we always try to make the design of all parts of the house consistent, so often only selected elements of this style appear in the bedroom, such as darker color accents, moody, soft lighting and interesting textiles. The noir style is also an ideal base for creating new design combinations, such as chic no ir or baroque no ir," says Radek Wojcik.

Sypialnia utrzymana w ciemnych barwach również może być miejscem relaksu

A bedroom kept in dark colors can also be a place of relaxation

© Interiorsy

Less is more

An excessive number of objects or arranging clutter can negatively affect our ability to relax. A bedroom should be a space of relaxation, and its arrangement should bring solace. Therefore, the basis is the proper layout of the space. The focal point is, of course, the bed. Remember to provide easy access to it from both sides. Also make sure that there are enough functional storage spaces. This will ensure that all necessary items can be stowed away, and the space will remain neat. A good solution is to make a custom-made built-in. The designer will take into account the functionality and dimensions of a particular interior, and will help to customize the furniture.

- In the case of a bedroom, the most important thing will be not to overload it with unnecessary furniture and accessories. Ideally, in addition to the bed, there should be only the most necessary items, such as bedside tables, a chest of drawers or a small bookcase. This visual cleanliness will help create a space conducive to relaxation , says Marta Iglewska.

Pamiętaj, aby nie zagrać przestrzeni sypialni

Remember not to clutter the bedroom space

© Interiors

Take care of the details

A comfortable space is built by details. Think carefully about your needs and select all elements so that the bedroom is a place that provides you with adequate rest.

- Choosing the right bed and mattress is certainly crucial. It's worth looking for professionals who will select a mattress that fits our height and weight, as well as our preference for our favorite sleeping position. A solid bed frame, on the other hand, is a guarantee of a peaceful night, undisturbed by excess sound effects, such as creaking, explains Marta Iglewska.

Dobierz wszelkie elementy tak, aby, jak najlepiej spełniały Twoje indywidualne potrzeby

Choose all the elements so that they best meet your individual needs

© Interiors

- It is worth remembering that each of us has different preferences. Some of us, in order to sleep well, need blackout curtains and complete darkness, others need constant, softly oozing light, which will allow them to find their way through the night waking up. It will also be important to ventilate the bedroom before bedtime - as far as the air quality outside the window allows, which will also lower the temperature inside. This will have a positive effect on the quality of sleep," adds Radek Wojcik.

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