How to protect garden wood?

29 of September '22

The end of September and the beginning of October is the ideal time to think about protecting the wood on the terrace or in the garden. This is especially important for those items that we are not able to hide indoors and will have to survive the winter outdoors. So how to protect wooden furniture and landscaping objects from the destructive effects of weather conditions during the cold months?

Comprehensive protection

Variable and unfavorable atmospheric conditions during the autumn and winter can cause damage to wood. As a result, it will not only look worse, but also be less durable and even cracked. So it is worthwhile to inspect the condition of our furniture, wooden gazebos or cottages in advance and undertake maintenance work before the onset of winter. For this purpose, it is good to choose impregnating preparations that will protect the wood not only from water or temperature jumps, but also from the pernicious effects of microorganisms such as fungi or mold, which also have a negative impact on the condition of the wood and over time can cause significant damage.

Przed zimą należy zabezpieczyć drewniane meble ogrodowe

Before winter, you should protect your wooden garden furniture

© WestwingNow

What should you impregnate the wood with?

An impregnator with wax will work great. Choose a preparation that has active resins in its composition. As a result, it will provide comprehensive protection for the wood. The impregnant penetrates deep into the structure of the wood and repels moisture. The preparation forms a coating that is resistant to external conditions. It also protects the wood against harmful UV radiation and the action of microorganisms. In addition, it gives effective protection for up to 6 years. So there is no need to repeat the entire process every year. This makes impregnation with wax products economical.

Ochrona drewnianych elementów przed zimą jest kluczowa

Protecting wooden elements from winter is crucial

© WestwingNow

How to carry out impregnation?

The wood must be properly prepared beforehand. Previously painted surfaces should be very thoroughly matted to open up the pores of the wood and allow the product to be absorbed as much as possible. Any holes and cavities should be filled with wood or a suitable putty. It is best to use one that is slightly lighter in color than the one you intend to apply to the surface of the wood. Usually two coats of the product are applied. However, more coats should be applied on the ends or where the wood is raw, as these are much more absorbent elements. To carry out the work, choose days without rain, as this can nullify the entire effort. Also, do not impregnate wood at temperatures below 5 degrees and with humidity above 80%. A prerequisite for successful impregnation is a properly carried out process of wood protection itself. It is important to remember that it is aimed at introducing as much preparation as possible into the wood. This means that the application should not be rushed, but the product should be applied very carefully in small portions with a roller or sponge in accordance with the grain, so that as much as possible of the impregnating agent penetrates into the structure of the wood.

Impregnacja drewna

Wood impregnation

We have more information for you on wood protection. Click here

Development: Katarzyna Szostak

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