What makes us feel good in our own home? We analyze the report

01 of March '24

Sleep, proximity to nature and time spent with loved ones make most Poles feel good in their four walls. What else contributes to our well-being? We analyze a recent report.

Ponad jedna czwarta badanych przyznaje, że śpiewa i tańczy, gdy nikt nie patrzy

More than a quarter of respondents admit that they sing and dance when no one is watching

© Freepik

Valuable leisure

It turns out that the key to well-being is sleep. This was the answer given by more than a third of respondents. In addition, just as many people cannot imagine a successful night without a favorite pillow. Poles more often than representatives of other nationalities choose to sleep in the company of another person. We also like to say „goodnight” to loved ones before going to sleep and sleep with a light on. We also like to use the snooze function, sometimes even more than once. We also take care of the quality of our sleep by trying to limit the time spent using electronical devices. Interestingly, such an evening detox is used especially by those between the ages of 18 and 27.

Ponad jedna trzecia Polaków nie wyobraża sobie udanej nocy bez ulubionej poduszki

More than a third of Poles cannot imagine a good night without their favorite pillow

Photo by Adam Kuylenstierna © UNSPLASH

What gives us pleasure?

According to data from the report "IKEA. Life at Home 2023" more than half of Poles express positive feelings about their home. This is a better result than the year before. Home is our favorite place. We are happy to stay in it and feel comfortable there. What creates this positive atmosphere? The possibility of contact with nature, preparing and eating home-cooked meals and the presence of closed ones. More than a quarter of respondents also admit that they sometimes sing or dance when no one is watching and walk around the house naked.

Domowe posiłki to jedna z rzeczy, które sprawiają, że dobrze czujemy się w swoim domu

Home-cooked meals are one of the things that make us feel good about our home

Photo by Jason Briscoe © UNSPLASH

The ideal home

What does our dream place to live look like? It's a space where we can be ourselves, relax and have close contact with nature. Being in the midst of greenery is really important to us and we stand out from other countries in this regard. As many as 32% of Poles paid attention to this aspect. This compares with 25% of respondents worldwide. We want our apartment to be a place where we can relax after a hard day, be authentic and enjoy the little things. We also value a sense of security, joy and peace.

Z raportu dowiadujemy się m.in., że ponad jedna czwarta Polaków ma krzesło, na które odwiesza ubrania

From the report, we learn that more than a quarter of Poles have a chair on which they hang their clothes



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