How to fix a squeaky door - home remedies

10 of February '22

DIY guide

Few things are as annoying as the sound of a creaking door. Sometimes we can even go years without fixing the problem. However, when we realize how easy it is to stop a door leaf from making noise, we will wonder why we didn't fix the defect sooner.

What is the cause of creaking doors?

The most common cause of creaking doors is the hinges. The pins inside them may be bent or the screws may not be tightened enough, and metal-on-metal friction and rubbing can cause creaking. Let's look at the hinges and assess whether any of the screws are loose. If so, let's tighten them with a screwdriver. If the problem is not with the screws, the hinges may simply need lubrication. Another common cause may be accumulated dust and dirt or moisture. So the cause of creaking doors is not the quality of the door, but much more often daily use. So let's not worry in advance - we can fix it quickly.

Hinge repair

If the door still squeaks after tightening the screws, we can add a few drops of door hinge grease. It must be applied directly to the hinge. Let's be careful with excess - two drops are enough. While applying, let's move the leaf slightly to make it easier for the lubricant to penetrate the hinge components and see if the malfunction subsides.

Home remedies

Perhaps we don't need to run to the DIY store right away. We can also find the specifics needed to repair a creaking door in our homes. First we need a cleaner to remove and accumulated dust and dirt. Then with a lubricant, we need to lubricate the hinges so that their parts can move smoothly. We present some home remedies for which we have a brand new application:

Nierzadko w domu mamy oliwę z oliwek — to świetny sposób na pozbycie się problemu skrzypiących drzwi

It's not uncommon to have olive oil at home - a great way to get rid of the problem of creaking doors

© Jonathan Ocampo


Cooking oil is a simple solution - just a few drops of it will easily lubricate squeaky hinges. We recommend using a pipette to make the application process easy and clean. You can also get by using a small drinking tube or ear bud, after removing the cotton on its ends. Let's apply a few drops of cooking oil (olive oil, sunflower oil, rapeseed oil, coconut oil, etc.) to the hinges, putting a paper towel or cloth under them at the time. Let's move the door so that the oil properly dissolves on the friction elements of the hinges and voilà - they will no longer creak.

Pamiętajmy, że mydła organiczne są dobrym wyborem.

Remember that organic soaps are a good choice

© Alecsander Alves


Bar soaps very often contain fats and oils. It should come as no surprise that they can alleviate door creaks. Rub a bar of soap into the hinges, then open and close the door to hammer the soap into the hinges. We need to make sure we choose a bar soap with plenty of fat - organic soaps are a good choice.

Wazelina pomoże na popękane usta i skrzypiące drzwi

Vaseline will help with cracked lips and creaky doors

© Opollo Photography


Because of its oily properties, petroleum jelly makes an excellent lubricant for door hinges, so it may be the solution we're looking for. To soothe creaky hinges, rub the outside of the hinge with a small amount of Vaseline until it is blended into its components. If you want to carry out this process even more thoroughly, you can pull the door off the hinges and coat the pin thoroughly with grease, then put the entire leaf in place.

Lakier do włosów jest doraźnym, ale krótkotrwałym środkiem do złagodzenia problemu

Hairspray is an ad hoc but short-lived remedy to alleviate the problem



Hairspray can be a quick and easy, but short-lived, way to stop creaking. It contains polymers that create a seal around the door hinges, preventing them from coming loose, moving and squeaking. Spray the creaking hinge a few times, then open and close the door to distribute the hairspray.

Elaboration: Dominika Tyrlik

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