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A house where the view counts

Mitoraj sculpture house
Set in relation to its surroundings

Everything about this {tag:pracownie} project is surprising. The length of the house, the massive entrance, the concealment of features at the front, and the Mitoraj sculpture. Architect Marcin Tomaszewski, when designing RE: ASSOLUTO HOUSE, wanted to create a house like a monumental sculpture, and additionally he wanted every room in the house to have a view of the lake. As a result, right from the entrance we have a breathtaking view.

RE: ASSOLUTO HOUSE projektu REFORM Architekt

A house where the view counts

The house RE: ASSOLUTO HOUSE is more than 620 sq. m, it is one-story high and distinctive in terms of its shape because it is oblong. If one were to wonder why, a big part of that is due to the lake. Marcin Tomaszewski wanted to create a house design where its occupants can have an open view of the lake at any time of the day or night. Regardless of the room they are in. Hence the idea to create a long block and place the zones one by one. This actually made it possible to take care of the view from everywhere in the house. Just approach the window.

RE: ASSOLUTO HOUSE projektu REFORM Architekt

The architect likes monumental masses and non-obvious solutions. Here we have the entrance to the house in the middle - strongly marked by the facade, but also by the presence of Mitoraj's sculpture. The most important thing, however, is that from the entrance - through the door - you can see the lake. And this is all the more interesting, because Tomaszewski made sure that nothing else is visible from the front. Where is the kitchen, and where is the living room. You can't see that. Everything is hidden behind the facade.

RE: ASSOLUTO HOUSE projektu REFORM Architekt

Staying on the subject of the facade - I wanted the massing not to be obvious. Hence the monumental entrance, the two-tone facade with lighting, and the clearance. The interpenetrating elements harmonize well with each other and, above all, with the surroundings. Thanks to the bright facade, the length of the building is not overwhelming - I was keen to avoid such an impression.

- says Marcin Tomaszewski of REFORM Architekt

RE: ASSOLUTO HOUSE projektu REFORM Architekt

Is it two, or one block?

The house is one-story for most of its body, but at some point it bifurcates and being at its back we have a mezzanine and a "half-basement". This is due to the lay of the land and at the same time the desire to leave this without much interference. Therefore, Tomaszewski created a house that integral part of the site. This is not the first project of this type to see the light of day. The architect pays attention to the space and cares about the connection with nature. The very fact of creating a long block and the view of the lake from everywhere shows how important for him is what surrounds us.

Theterrace itself, which is an introduction to the garden, is impressive - it provides a natural transition from the house to the garden. And at the same time it makes an impression through cascading waterfalls and plantings. RE: ASSOLUTO HOUSE is scheduled for completion in 2023.

More of the studio's {tag:pracownie} projects on the PdD portal.


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Mebel zaprojektował Wacław Leśniewski ©
Mebel zaprojektował Wacław Leśniewski ©

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