Natural arrangement of a 500-square-meter house

20 of June '24
w skrócie
  1. The house has an area of 500 sqm.
  2. The design of its interiors was created by Hanna Pietras and Julia Pałuba.
  3. The arrangement includes a lot of wood and natural stone.
  4. There is a pool table in the upstairs hallway. 
  5. For more interesting information, visit the main page of the PdD portal.

Architects Hanna Pietras and Julia Pałuba created an arrangement that pairs impressive interiors with the surrounding greenery. Natural materials and subdued colors create a soothing atmosphere. However, there is no shortage of interesting solutions and unusual furnishings.

Dom ma powierzchnię 500 m² We wnętrzu dominują stonowane kolory i naturalne materiały

The interior is dominated by subdued colors and natural materials

Photo: Mood Authors

House with a soul

The building has an impressive area of 500 m². Wood plays the main role here. It serves not only as a building material, but also a decoration. Thanks to this, the architects managed to create a harmonious space that exudes warmth and elegance.

- Warm earth tones, delicate beiges and muted browns create a color palette that envelops the residents of the house in a pleasant feeling of comfort and peace. It's a place where every element has been carefully considered so we can create an oasis of peace and harmony in a fast-changing world — says Hanna Pietras.

Architektki postawiły na ciepłe odcienie ziemi W aranżacji użyto dużo drewna

There is a lot of wood in the arrangement

Photo: Mood Authors

Natural harmony

The heart of the house is an open living room with a beautiful view of the greenery. Natural materials and large glazing make the garden „enter” the interiors.

- Natural light plays a big role in this living room. There is a lot of it and I decided to use it as a decorative element as well. It beautifully illuminates the wood and light upholstery on the sofas. This space is ideal for relaxing by the fireplace or socializing. My clients wanted this area to be open and inviting — emphasizes the architect.

Duże przeszklenia zapewniają widok na ogród

Large glass windows provide a view of the garden

Photo by Mood Authors

Unique flooring

The kitchen is also noteworthy. At its very center stands an impressive island. It's an original idea of the architects, who made sure that there was both plenty of storage and countertop display space. The light-colored development blends well with the unique floor. The travertine tiles that look like cobblestone, have already been in this interior. Hanna Pietras couldn't imagine swapping them for anything else. The designers also used glass doors here, which, if necessary, can separate the kitchen from the nearby dining room.

Podłoga w kuchni przypomina bruk

The kitchen floor resembles cobblestone

Photo: Mood Authors

- Natural materials, bright colors, different textures and stronger decorative accents also gave this space a certain dynamism — adds the designer.

Pomiędzy kuchnią a jadalnią projektantki zastosowały dekoracyjne drzwi

The designers put decorative doors between the kitchen and dining room

Photo: Mood Authors

Meeting place in the corridor

On the first floor, a private zone was arranged. It consists of bedrooms, bathrooms and children's rooms, as well as an open corridor... with a pool table.

Na piętrze znalazło się nawet miejsce na stół do bilarda

On the first floor there is even a pool table

Photo: Mood Authors

- I wanted this part of the house to be consistent with what we see on the ground floor, but at the same time I wanted to personalize it to the needs of the children. In each bedroom you will find wood, but the color palette is tailored to the individual tastes of the youngest residents - explains Hanna Pietras.

Architektki dopasowały kolorystykę do gustu dzieci

The architects matched the color scheme to the children's tastes

Photo: Mood Authors

In the bathrooms, the architects used another natural raw material. Stone gives this arrangement a refined luxurious character, while providing a solid and durable finish. Its texture and colors also emphasize the organic esthetic of the interiors.

W aranżacji łazienek oprócz drewna znajdziemy także kamień naturalny

In addition to wood, we can also find natural stone in bathroom arrangements

Photo: Mood Authors

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