What do we find challenging about interior design?

19 of January '23

We analyze the latest part of the report "What changes do Poles' homes need?" Previously, we looked at how we live, how we decorate interiors and what kind of homes we dream of. Today we will look at what we find challenging in interior design.

Interior design challenges

For as many as 76% of us, interior design is a difficult and time-consuming task. The biggest challenges are proper organization, flexibility and spatial imagination. Arrangement problems are mainly caused by the kitchen. This is what more than half of the respondents say. Next in order are the living room, bathroom and hallway. We pay less attention to the private tref, especially the bedroom.

Najwięcej problemów sprawia nam kuchnia

The kitchen causes us the most problems

Photo Sidekix media © UNSPLASH

Proper planning

In addition to design issues, we also have problems with practical aspects. When finishing and furnishing interiors, we find it difficult to fit into the planned budget. Even the most rational plans fall short of reality. For this reason, some people decide to spread the work over a longer period of time. It is also a problem for us to just plan the expenses and the order of the work, and to estimate how many materials we will need. As we are mainly inspired by what we see online, it is difficult for us to imagine the final three-dimensional arrangement.

Dobór ilości materiałów stanowi dla nas wyzwanie

Choosing the amount of materials is a challenge for us

Photo by Callum Hill © UNSPLASH

Professional help

Finding professionals is also a challenge. 44% of Poles have a problem with this. A third of us complain about a shortage of specialists in tile and floor laying, as well as in connecting sanitary installations. One in four has experienced a shortage of electricians, and one in five a shortage of carpenters. Many of us also don't know where to look for reliable information, especially technical information.

Prawie połowa z nas narzeka na problem z dostępnością fachowców

Almost half of us complain about the problem with the availability of professionals

You can read the entire report here


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