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Nowy Sacz - competition for development of urban areas

08 of April '20

The President of the City of Nowy Sącz Ludomir Handzel, together with the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of the City Hall of Nowy Sącz, invites you to participate in competitions for the development of an urban-architectural concept for the development of Krasinski Square - "Cat's Planty", "Old Sandecja" and the Square under the Castle.

The main objective of the competition is to select the best urban-architecturalconcept in terms of the functionality of the designated areas, linking them to the context of the place, the transportation system and determining the character of the space shaping. The goal is to create new places for recreation and active leisure primarily for the residents of Nowy Sacz.


Three prizes will be awarded in the competition, the jury also reserves the right to introduce honorable mentions. First prize is PLN 3,000, second prize PLN 2,000 and third prize PLN 1,000.


Submission of competition works is possible until April 15, 2020 (submissions are of a formal-registrationnature, not subject to verification and qualification).
The announcement of the competition results is scheduled for April 30, 2020.


Artur Bochenek - Deputy Mayor of the City of Nowy Sącz
Jolanta Polanska
Rafał Leśniak
Witold Król
Paweł Kurzeja
Tomasz Sus

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