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Which facilities will be the best in Wielkopolska? NAWW Nominations

30 of September '24

What does Wielkopolska's best architecture look like ? See the nominations for the Architectural Award of the Wielkopolska Region. The competition's jury selected them from more than a hundred submissions. Twenty-seven architectural realizations and several in the "young artist" category will compete for awards and the Grand Prix. As usual, multifamily architecture falls miserably (only three nominations), and single-family houses and interiors are doing well.

The competition for the Architectural Award of the Wielkopolska Region (NAWW) is being held this year for the fifth time. It is organized by the Poznań branch of SARP in cooperation with the Wielkopolska Regional Chamber of Architects of the Republic of Poland. The Competition's Chapter is made up of a different team each time (this year: Dariusz Herman (chairman), Ewa Porębska, Wojciech Mazan, Kinga Grzybowska, Piotr Kluj, Jowita Maćkowiak, Aida Januszkiewicz-Piotrowska and Mariusz Jakubczyk).

In this year's edition there were one hundred and one entries in six thematic categories and seven in the "young artist" category. This is overall more than in previous years, but also the lion's share of the submissions were interiors (as many as 44 projects!). As usual, there was also no shortage of single-family houses. Thus, the list from which the jurors chose was dominated by realizations commissioned by individual investors, of smaller scale and residual importance for common space.

publicly useful

Let's start, then, with the more significant categories. Fourteen realizations competed for nomination in the field of "publicly useful building." Five made the list. These are two academic buildings in Poznań, namely the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Medical University (proj.: RYSY Architects) and the reconstruction and expansion of the private campus of WSB Merito University (proj.: Front Architects - concept, pfu, details, author's supervision, and Adam Dziamski "Eneprojekt" - construction and execution design).

NAWW, Nagroda Architektoniczna Województwa Wielkopolskiego - nominacje 2024

NAWW, Architectural Award of the Wielkopolska Region - nominations 2024 - WSB Merito Poznań University campus (reconstruction and expansion) - proj.: Front Architects Sp. z o. o. - concept, pfu, details, author's supervision; Adam Dziamski "Eneprojekt" - construction and executive design; PUBLIC UTILITY BUILDING category

Photo: Wojciech Krawczuk

Also nominated from Poznań was a small project called Domek, an element of the Jordan Garden No. 1 being transformed by Hugo Kowalski's U go studio .

NAWW, Nagroda Architektoniczna Województwa Wielkopolskiego - nominacje 2024

NAWW, Architectural Award of the Wielkopolska Region - nominations 2024 - Domek - proj.: U go Hugon Kowalski, category PUBLIC UTILITY BUILDING

photo: Hugon Kowalski

Also on the list are the sports and entertainment hall in Książ Wielkopolski (proj. PL.architekci) and the distinctive entrance pavilion to the NB Polska plant in Gniezno (proj. PL+, Paweł Litwinowicz, Zuzanna Król-Ratajczak, Aleksandra Woźniak, Justyna Stankiewicz).

NAWW, Nagroda Architektoniczna Województwa Wielkopolskiego - nominacje 2024

NAWW, Architectural Award of the Wielkopolska Region - nominations 2024 - Entrance pavilion for NB Polska sp. z o.o. production plants. - proj. PL+, Paweł Litwinowicz, Zuzanna Król-Ratajczak, Aleksandra Woźniak, Justyna Stankiewicz, category PUBLIC UTILITY BUILDING

© PL+

round and expressive

In the "common space" category, in turn, the list of nominees included projects almost exclusively from outside the capital of Wielkopolska. There is a tourist center in the village of Łąkie (designed by Arch-Point, Agnieszka Chudy), and a footbridge with an expressive observation tower in Owińska near Poznań (designed by Atelier Paweł Byrski), and Sokol Park in Pniewy (designed by U go Hugon Kowalski ).

NAWW, Nagroda Architektoniczna Województwa Wielkopolskiego - nominacje 2024

NAWW, Architectural Award of the Wielkopolska Region - nominations 2024 - tourist center - proj.: AGNIESZKA CHUDY (ARCH-POINT AGNIESZKA CHUDY), category PUBLIC UTILITY BUILDING


There are also the characteristic round piers in Pniewy (designed by Pawel Grobelny) and - the only Poznan realization: a pulpit-viewing platform realized within the framework of last year's Mood for Wood workshop according to the design of a group led by Partizian architecture studio . (Authors: Dawid Konopka, Pawel Siemaszko, Hanna Butryn, Aleksandra Kowańska, Krisztina Ferencz, Emese Inczédy, Ákos Reizinger, Jakub Martiška, Kevin Valient, Dominik Mettler).

NAWW, Nagroda Architektoniczna Województwa Wielkopolskiego - nominacje 2024

NAWW, Architecture Award of the Wielkopolska Region - nominations 2024 - Ambona - viewing platform - proj.: Partizian architecture, Dawid Konopka, Paweł Siemaszko, Hanna Butryn, Aleksandra Kowańska, Krisztina Ferencz, Emese Inczédy, Ákos Reizinger, Jakub Martiška, Kevin Valient, Dominik Mettler, category COMMON SPACE.

Photo: Dawid Majewski

The submission of several other objects from Mood for Woodlengthened the list of entries in this category. If treated as a single realization, the number of competing common spaces would be quite short.

NAWW, Nagroda Architektoniczna Województwa Wielkopolskiego - nominacje 2024

NAWW, Architectural Award of the Greater Poland Voivodeship - nominations 2024 - bridges in Slupca - proj.: Pawel Grobelny, category COMMON SPACE

photo: Janusz Nowak

housing drought

Finally - which is already a sad norm - there were few multi-family buildings (nine) in the submissions, despite the fact that new houses of this type are very widely represented on a provincial scale. The quantity of the housing mass being commissioned has not turned into quality. Hence, arguably, only three nominations. All for buildings from Poznań completed in two neighboring historic districts.

NAWW, Nagroda Architektoniczna Województwa Wielkopolskiego - nominacje 2024

NAWW, Architectural Award of the Wielkopolska Region - nominations 2024 - Perfumiarnia, Poznań - design: JEMS Architekci, category MULTIFAMILY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING

© JEMS Architekci

Nominated were the original and with aspirations to luxury rather cramped residential complex Perfumiarnia, the first Poznan apartment building by JEMS Architects, and two additions to the Jeżyce district development. The first is a dense, but thoughtfully "cut" and greened infill on Dąbrowskiego Street (proj.: Ultra Architects). The second - a building connecting the development of historic Koscielna Street with the so-called New Jeżyce (proj. Litoborski & Partners, formerly Litoborski+Marciniak).

NAWW, Nagroda Architektoniczna Województwa Wielkopolskiego - nominacje 2024

NAWW, Architectural Award of the Wielkopolska Region - nominations 2024 - residential building, Dąbrowskiego 28, Poznań - proj.: Ultra Architects; category MULTIFAMILARIAN RESIDENTIAL BUILDING

photo: Przemyslaw Turlej

NAWW, Nagroda Architektoniczna Województwa Wielkopolskiego - nominacje 2024

NAWW, Architectural Award of the Wielkopolska Region - nominations 2024 - residential house at 23 Kościelna Street, Poznań - proj.: Litoborski and Partners, team: Piotr Litoborski, Piotr Marciniak, Jędrzej Pawlaczyk, Filip Osiński, Anna Tuszyńska-Świgło, Kamil Wawra, Joanna Mielewczyk, Michał Rams

Photo: Jędrzej Pawlaczyk

domestic wood and exports

Among single-family houses, as usual, the level was quite high. Traditionally, there was no shortage of projects by the PL.Architekci studio (Dom A, transformed from a communist cube, and the free-standing Dom S).

NAWW, Nagroda Architektoniczna Województwa Wielkopolskiego - nominacje 2024

NAWW, Architectural Award of the Wielkopolska Region - nominations 2024 - single-family house in Rososze-Kolonia - proj.: Studio Gab, Katarzyna Osipowicz-Grabowska, Piotr Grabowski; category DOM

photo: Oni Studio

The common denominator of the other three nominations is wood - as a finishing material and building material. It appears on the facades of two atmospheric houses: in Rososze-Kolonia near Konin (design: Studio Gab: Katarzyna Osipowicz-Grabowska, Piotr Grabowski) and in Sieraków (design: trabendo). The weekend House on the Stump (proj. Jaroslaw Szelest, Renata Owczarz) has a wooden structure instead.

NAWW, Nagroda Architektoniczna Województwa Wielkopolskiego - nominacje 2024

NAWW, Architectural Award of the Wielkopolska Region - nominations 2024 - House on a Trunk - proj.: Jaroslaw Szelest/Renata Owczarz

Photo: Marta Behling, Level Division

In the category of "export work" covering the works of Wielkopolska architects outside the province, in turn, was nominated the characteristic and expressive complex Chata Sudecka from Międzygórze in the Klodzko Basin (proj.: TEKKTURA), a holiday home in Bory Tucholskie (design: trabendo), the Museum and Education Center of the Karkonosze National Park - Sobieszów Palace (design: Pracownia Architektoniczna 1997) and a complex of single-family houses in Warsaw by the RMK.A. studio .

NAWW, Nagroda Architektoniczna Województwa Wielkopolskiego - nominacje 2024

NAWW, Architectural Award of the Wielkopolska Region - nominations 2024 - Chata Sudecka, Międzygórze in Kotlina Kłodzka - proj.: TEKKTURA; category EXPORT WORK

photo: Fotomohito

NAWW, Nagroda Architektoniczna Województwa Wielkopolskiego - nominacje 2024

NAWW, Architectural Award of the Wielkopolska Region - nominations 2024 - Museum and Education Center of the Karkonosze National Park - Sobieszów Palace; proj.: Pracownia Architektoniczna 1997, Krzysztof Frąckowiak, Aleksandra Kornecka, Katarzyna Weiss, Magda Lelonkiewicz, Rafał Hodyra, Andrzej Fiszbach, Karolina Gerke, Michał Wicherek; category EXPORT WORK.

Photo: Rafał Hodyra

NAWW, Nagroda Architektoniczna Województwa Wielkopolskiego - nominacje 2024

NAWW, Architectural Award of the Wielkopolska Region - nominations 2024 - a complex of single-family houses in Warsaw - authors: RMK.A; category EXPORT WORK

photo: Roderyk Milik

In the "young artist" category, in turn, Jędrzej Pawlaczyk, Przemysław and Małgorzata Wawrzynek and the Office INAINN studio were nominated.

interiors from newspapers

Finally, let's look at the most popular field: interiors. Out of forty-four projects, the jury chose a house in Sroda Wielkopolska (design: Zarysy Studio), and from Poznań: a studio apartment in Jeżyce (design: JEJU Studio), a restaurant called Bajgle Etc. (proj.: mode:lina™), Japanese restaurant Tonari (Studio Uzarowicz).

NAWW, Nagroda Architektoniczna Województwa Wielkopolskiego - nominacje 2024

NAWW, Architectural Award of the Wielkopolska Region - nominations 2024 - restaurant Bajgle Etc. (design: mode:lina™), Interior category.

Photo: Jerzy Wozniak

Against this home-catering background, the interiors of the sports and entertainment hall in Książ Wielkopolski stand out . (design: PL Architects, Bartłomiej Bajon, Katarzyna Cynka Bajon, team: Bartosz Stanek, Joanna Sypniewska, Karol Kremski).

NAWW, Nagroda Architektoniczna Województwa Wielkopolskiego - nominacje 2024

NAWW, Architectural Award of the Wielkopolska Region - nominations 2024 - sports and entertainment hall in Książ Wielkopolski - proj : PL.ARCHITEKCI | architecture and interiors: Bartłomiej Bajon, Katarzyna Cynka-Bajon, team: Bartosz Stanek, Joanna Sypniewska, Karol Kremski, construction: BSD constructions: Jacek Kryske, Patryk Kasprzycki, installations: TMI Tomasz Murawa, SPPoprawa; Interior category.

photo: Bartek Bajon

Despite the many interior design submissions, the jurors had quite a difficult task to select original realizations, because the projects, although generally successful, were very similar to each other and usually lacked individual features. However, this is probably the result of the wishes of customers who look at interior design magazines and expect safe, high-quality projects. Fortunately, the nominated works are not from one stock.

NAWW, Nagroda Architektoniczna Województwa Wielkopolskiego - nominacje 2024

NAWW, Architectural Award of the Wielkopolska Region - nominations 2024 - Tonari - Japanese restaurant - proj.: Studio Uzarowicz; category INTERIOR.

photo: Addbox

The lifestyle, decorative in spirit and numerous subgroup of private interiors would probably be worth finally removing from the NAWW competition and announcing a separate competition in this area.

What now? It is a good NAWW tradition that after the nominations are announced, the competition judges make a personal vetting of all the obirects. This will also be the case this time. The results are expected to be announced in November.

Jakub Głaz

The vote has already been cast