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Wrocław University of Technology students' project honored by the International Union of Architects!

27 of June '23

Wrocław University of Technology students Fryderyk Karzkowiak and Ewelina Zub, also took part in the Next Generation of Stroke Rehabilitation Centers competition organized by the International Union of Architects. Their project, made under the direction of Prof. Barbara Gronostajska, is a rehabilitation center for people after stroke, for the location of which they chose a plot of land on Kasprowicza Street in Wrocław. The work caught the attention of the jury, which awarded it an honorable mention!

The competition was organized by the UIA Public Health Group and NOVELL Redesign Team and was co-sponsored by the Australian Health Design Council (AHDC). Participants could propose any location for the designed stroke center, but had to take into account its area—1,600 square meters (this guideline changed during the competition). The facility was to include rehabilitation zones and rooms for 30 patients, which were to both positively influence the rehabilitation process and provide comfort and privacy. The competition guidelines specified precisely the functions and square footage of the rooms in question, and the regulations allowed additional functions to be proposed that are relevant to the cultural context in which the project will be set.

Na teren projektu autorzy wybrali działkę przy ulicy Kasprowicza we Wrocławiu

For the project site, the authors chose a plot on Kasprowicza Street in Wrocław

© Fryderyk Karzkowiak, Ewelina Zub

honorable mention for Polish students

Among the distinguished works were as many as two projects from Poland! You can read about the first awarded project Rehabitat by Artur Gala, made under the direction of Dr. Jan Kubec at the Silesian University of Technology, in the article Project of the Rehabilitation Center in Gdansk appreciated by the International Union of Architects. From it you will also learn about the detailed competition guidelines, the full jury and other awards given.

The second honorable mention went to the design of the Wrocław Stroke Rehabilitation Center made by Fryderyk Karzkowiak and Ewelina Zub from the Wrocław University of Technology under the direction of Prof. Barbara Gronostajska.

Teren wokół centrum jest zielony i obsiany łąką

The area around the center is green and seeded with meadow

© Fryderyk Karzkowiak, Ewelina Zub

For the design area, the authors chose a plot of land located on Kasprowicza Street in Wrocław, near the Odra River, among green recreational areas.

The site is well connected and at the same time provides peace and quiet. The neighborhood offers many walking routes along the river, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. In addition, there is a hospital in close proximity, which is important, should any of the patients deteriorate. Our facility, along with the adjacent grounds, is designed to provide patients with a healing space for the body and mind, the students argue.

Projekt centrum rehabilitacji we Wrocławiu, rzut Projekt centrum rehabilitacji we Wrocławiu, schemat funkcjonalny

plan and functional division of the center

© Frederic Karzkowiak, Ewelina Zub

space for body and mind

In order to provide the best possible rehabilitation conditions, the authors designed a sports hall equipped with rehabilitation and sports equipment, a therapy room for meetings with a psychologist, as well as outdoor recreational spaces such as a fruit orchard, a gazebo with a hot tub, a place to play chess and walking paths.

All of this is intended to support the holistic healing process and stimulate patients' physical and mental activities, the designers added.

The area remained largely green and planted with meadow. In addition, the students introduced an access road along with parking for visitors and employees. The plot area is surrounded by a walking path, and each patient has direct access to the meadow from their room.

Projekt centrum rehabilitacji we Wrocławiu, idea powstawania


© Frederic Karzkowiak, Ewelina Zub

building on a circular plan

The lump of the building was created as a result of the intersection of three circ les—two large ones with identical diameters and a third smaller one. The two larger circles contain a room area and a rehabilitation area with internal gardens in the center, while the smaller circle connects the common areas for patients.

Wewnętrzne korytarze pozwalają w łatwy sposób przemieszczać się po całym obiekcie

Internal corridors allow easy movement throughout the facility

© Frederic Karzkowiak, Ewelina Zub

Internal corridors allow easy movement throughout the facility. The entire building is single-story, and a large amount of glazing allows nature to seep into the interiors. A characteristic element of the project are wooden muntins, which insulate the facade and also provide shades for the room terraces. The building's common area, contained in the smallest circle, was highlighted by raising its height. The entire facility was designed by the students to take into account the needs of people with mobility disabilities.

Projekt centrum rehabilitacji we Wrocławiu, przekroje

Project of the rehabilitation center in Wrocław, sections

© Fryderyk Karzkowiak, Ewelina Zub

common spaces

The entrance area was designed on the eastern side of the plot. It includes a reception area and an open waiting and lounge area. The facility includes doctors ' and nurses ' offices with sanitary facilities and kitchenettes. A storage area with a separate drug store and technical and utility rooms have also been designed.

Projekt centrum rehabilitacji we Wrocławiu, elewacje

project of rehabilitation center in Wrocław, elevations

© Fryderyk Karzkowiak, Ewelina Zub

In the building, students designed a kitchen combined with a dining room, where patients can eat meals together. From the dining room it is also possible to go out to a common terrace. Next to the dining room is a common living room where patients can spend time, or meet with their families.

Kaplica została zaprojektowana jako uniwersalne miejsce, niepodporządkowane żadnej konkretnej religii

The chapel was designed as a universal place, not subservient to any particular religion

© Frederic Karzkowiak, Ewelina Zub

The central part of the smallest circle contains the chapel, which was designed as a universal place, not subordinated to any particular religion.

Our goal was to create a place of tranquility, prayer and meditation that would be inviting to everyone, regardless of religion," explain the PWr students.

Wnętrze jednego z pokoi

Interior of one of the rooms

© Fryderyk Karzkowiak, Ewelina Zub

double rooms

Each of the fifteen double rooms has its own bathroom, a separate kitchenette and a private terrace. Each patient has the option of separating his or her section with mechanically controlled curtains. This solution ensures privacy, but also leaves the possibility of contact with another person.

Projekt centrum rehabilitacji we Wrocławiu

Among other things, the rooms feature specially designed furniture

© Fryderyk Karzkowiak, Ewelina Zub

The bathroom has been adapted to the needs of people with mobility difficulties. Helpful handles have been placed, as well as a folding chair in the shower. Each patient has access to built-in furniture, which consists of a sliding-open cabinet, shelves for books and personal belongings, and a built-in seat.

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