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How to restore the ruins of a monument? Abakanovka revitalization projects

21 of March '25
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  1. A group of students from the Faculty of Architecture at the Warsaw University of Technology, as part of the Conservation Project, created various concepts for the revitalization of Abakanowka, the birthplace of Magdalena Abakanowicz.
  2. The building, although in ruins, is listed in the Register of Historical Monuments. The students' task was to create a design in accordance with the conservator's guidelines.
  3. The projects included concepts for a sculpture museum, a handmade toy workshop, a library and even an equestrian center.
  4. The presentation of the projects was accompanied by the Raszyn Urbanist Debate, whose participants considered the best direction for changes in Falenty.
  5. For more interesting information, visit the main page of the AiB portal

A museum of sculpture or perhaps a center of equestrian knowledge? A group of students coordinated by Aleksandra Levitska developed concepts for revitalizing Abakanowka, the birthplace of Magdalena Abakanowicz. The work was created as part of the Conservation Project at Wydział Architektury Politechniki Warszawskiej.

Abakanowka is located next to the palace complex in Falenty, in the Raszyn municipality next to Warsaw. Despite its poor condition, in February 2024 the conservator upheld the decision to ban demolition.

The Conservation Project aims to learn about the principles of conservation, modernization and design of contemporary additions to historic structures, taking into account the protection of their historic values and adaptation to new functions

- says the presenter, Aleksandra Lewicka.

stan obecny Abakanówki

current state of Abakanovka

photo: Paulina Król

How to maintain the legacy of Magdalena Abakanowicz?

As part of the course, a group of ten students collaborated with the Social Committee for the Protection of Falenty, which works to protect local monuments and the Raszyn municipality. The resulting projects explore a variety of paths for the revitalization of the building associated with Magdalena Abakanowicz, from a modern sculpture museum to a center of equestrian knowledge, referring to the former palace stables.

Below are excerpts from the projects prepared as part of the class.

Maria Olko - Museum of Magdalena Abakanowicz with Experimental Sculpture and Painting Studio.

Maria Olko's project refers to the heritage of Abakanovka and harmoniously combines the preservation of the monument with modern utilitarian functions. The author proposes not only to create a museum dedicated to Polish sculptors, but also a cafe space with a garden and auction rooms. She has also designed the construction of a new building near the former Abakanovka - the Experimental Sculpture and Painting Studio, which fits into the context of the historic surroundings.

Muzeum Magdaleny Abakanowicz z Eksperymentalną Pracownią Rzeźby i Malarstwa

The Magdalena Abakanowicz Museum with the Experimental Sculpture and Painting Studio

proj.: Maria Olko

Katarzyna Sikora - Toy-making workshop with educational and exhibition function.

This is a concept that will transform an abandoned Abakanovka into a destination for family outings outside the city. Katarzyna Sikora's project includes a workshop for handmade toys. The author envisaged preserving the roof of the historic building and glazing its lower part. The new building's gabled roof refers to the original building, while the white brick covering gives it a contemporary feel.

Warsztat tworzenia zabawek z funkcją edukacyjną i wystawienniczą

Toy-making workshop with educational and exhibition function

design: Katarzyna Sikora

Paulina Król - Agritourism center with educational workshops

In Paulina Król's design, modernity is combined with the tradition of the Polish countryside. In it, Abakanowka becomes an educational and recreational space where one can learn about rural customs and culture.

The author designed a new building with a simple body, built from recycled bricks. Its details and window proportions are reminiscent of the original Abakanowka, which is planned to create guest rooms and a café. The garage building is to be transformed into an enclosure for livestock. The projected Agritourism Center would host workshops on growing crops, crafts, cooking and interaction with animals.

Centrum Agroturystyczne z warsztatami edukacyjnymi

Agritourism center with educational workshops

proj.: Paulina Król

Agata Gembal - Hippotherapy and Equestrian Knowledge Center

Agata Gembal's project refers to the equestrian tradition present in Mazovia, as well as to the former function of the stables, which were part of the palace. The textile elements present on the exterior of the designed object refer to the work of Magdalena Abakanowicz. They can also be used as a curtain or partition. From the terrace, which takes advantage of the natural slope of the terrain, one can observe and ride horses. This is a project in which Abakanovka becomes a place of recreation for local residents, including those from nearby Warsaw.

Centrum Hipoterapii i Wiedzy o Jeździectwie

Hippotherapy and Equestrian Knowledge Center

proj.: Agata Gembal

Maria Wolska - Sculpture Center

The author envisages subtle interference with the former Abakanowka and the construction of a new sculpture studio. In the original building, she envisions an exhibition function. The new facility refers in construction to traditional building techniques through the use of brick and wood. Maria Wolska also alluded to Abakans, the sculptor's installation, by planning to place textiles in various parts of the building. She also allocated the green area around the buildings for the display of Abakanowicz's sculptures.

Centrum rzeźby

Sculpture center

designed by Maria Wolska

Alina Nowakowska - Nature Education Center with Wild Bird Rehabilitation Center at the Raszynski Ponds Nature Reserve in Falenty.

The author of the project envisaged restoring the original elements of the building, as well as designing a new roof and western elevation. She used larch wood for the construction of the new building. In the former Abakanowka she envisaged creating a Nature Education Center with educational rooms and exhibition and conference space, while the newly designed building would serve as the headquarters of the Wild Bird Rehabilitation Center. Aviaries for birds were also located near the buildings.

Centrum Edukacji Przyrodniczej z Ośrodkiem Rehabilitacji Dzikich Ptaków przy Rezerwacie przyrody Stawy Raszyńskie w Falentach

Nature Education Center with Wild Birds Rehabilitation Center at the Raszyńskie Ponds Nature Reserve in Falenty

designed by Alina Nowakowska

Helena Jozefczak - "The Village of the Creative Mother". A complex of art studios for mothers together with a nursery and a restaurant area

Helena Józefczak's project is a response to the lack of space dedicated to the self-development of mothers of young children. Locating art studios near the crèche would allow women to combine child care with creative work. The building also includes a catering space and the conversion of garages into greenhouses.

„Wioska kreatywnej mamy”. Zespół pracowni artystycznych dla matek wraz ze żłobkiem i częścią restauracyjną

"Creative Mom's Village". A complex of art studios for mothers, together with a nursery and a restaurant area

proj.: Helena Józefczak

Katarzyna Wysocka - Renovation space - rehabilitation center.

The author set herself the goal of preserving the character of Abakanowka while trying to respond to the diverse needs of modern society. The rehabilitation center is a place where visitors can work on correct posture. Katarzyna Wysocka noted the pleasant location of Abakanowka, which could encourage additional walks and spending time outdoors.

Przestrzeń odnowy. Centrum rehabilitacji

Rehabilitation space. Rehabilitation center

proj.: Katarzyna Wysocka

Magdalena Majewska - Center for environmental education in Falenty

In Magdalena Majewska's concept, Abakanowka is transformed into an Ecological Education Center, a place with an educational function to expand the ecological awareness of visitors. The project uses natural materials and materials obtained after the demolition of the former part of the building.

Centrum edukacji ekologicznej w Falentach

Center for ecological education in Falenty

proj.: Magdalena Majewska

Magdalena Niewczas - Magdalena Abakanowicz Artistic Research Center

Magdalena Niewczas's project aims to support those conducting research in the field of art history, dedicating to them a space to exchange practices and knowledge. The original buildings have been adapted for daily stay and accommodation, and the author has also designed a conference room there. The former residential facility will be replaced by a library with an archive, and the adjacent garages will become rooms for individual work.

Ośrodek badań artystycznych im. Magdaleny Abakanowicz

Magdalena Abakanowicz Art Research Center

proj.: Magdalena Niewczas

As part of the Conservation Project at the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology, the second group, led by Dr. Eng. arch. Jakub Krzyczkowski developed concepts for the revitalization of the orangery, also part of the palace complex in Falenty.

The presentation of the projects made by the two groups was accompanied by the Raszyn Urbanist Debate, during which the best functions for historic buildings were discussed in accordance with the guidelines of the conservator.

Maria Cipińska

The vote has already been cast