The fact that there is a shortage of green space in cities is increasingly discussed, how can it be restored? And how to develop the existing one? A {tag:studenci} from Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie developed concepts for developing the areas of the Constitution 3 May Park, the Arkadia Reservoir and the bank of the Black Hancza River in Suwałki so as to take advantage of their natural potential, and at the same time transform them into a place of regeneration and strengthen the human connection with nature.
Modern cities face a number of challenges in designing green spaces. Urbanization and the tendency to simplify public spaces lead to their schematization and loss of local identity. Green spaces become mere additions to development, often lacking a deeper connection to the natural landscape and local ecosystem.
Analysis of selected spaces in terms of biophilicity
proj.: Olga Wasilewska
Biophilic Suwałki?
The concept of the Biophilic City assumes that humans have an innate need to commune with nature, and that its absence in an urban environment negatively affects physical and mental health. The purpose of this study is to analyze the principles of biophilic design and their application in shaping public spaces so that they become a place of regeneration, tranquility and strengthening of the human connection with nature.
The research and design were carried out in Suwałki, a city with great natural potential, which remains untapped in many places. The analysis of existing green areas has made it possible to isolate areas where the possibility of contact with nature is the lowest.
Comprehensive research on biophilic design allowed the author to precisely define conceptual assumptions and became a key tool in extensive pre-design analyses
- comments the thesis supervisor, Prof. Agnieszka Jaszczak.
Based on the results of the research, a spatial development concept was developed with the overriding goal of integrating natural landscape elements into the urban structure and creating conditions for recreation and social interaction. Its basic idea was to take advantage of the natural potential of the area and create a visitor-friendly place that will attract city residents through its diversity and attractiveness. At the same time, the solutions used are intended to give the space a new function, different from the existing one, and make it a place that allows the full experience of nature through a variety of stimuli.
Analysis of the current use of the space
designed by Olga Wasilewska
gazebo, plantings and forest atmosphere
The proposed concept is based on the existing layout of the tracts. The conventional division of space into a representative part - the western one - and a more casual one, located on the eastern side of the bridge, has also been preserved. The unifying element of the whole is the compositional arrangement of vegetation and its colors during flowering. The concept also provides for the preservation of the existing stand of trees. A gazebo has become the main place for passive recreation. It is accompanied by plantings of ornamental plants, the selection of which is based on the use of mostly native species, found in natural habitats, and at the same time honey-giving and attractively fragrant. Their seasonal variation, in turn, is intended to ensure their attractiveness throughout most of the year. A major design consideration was also to emphasize the forest climate of the zone. The second part of the establishment has a slightly different character. Single-species plantings predominate here, forming colorful carpets in spring. They are accompanied by an extensive flower meadow, and the coastal zone is diversified with species typical of river habitats. Close contact with the water is facilitated by seats placed at the very edge of the river.
Open spaces and natural character of the area
A characteristic feature of the design concept is the lack of strictly designated recreation zones. The open spaces and the lack of imposed solutions are intended to provide freedom and encourage users to relax on the lawn, be physically active or spend their time in any other way they wish, and move not only along designated paths. Small spaces, hidden among vegetation, are to provide a sense of intimacy and privacy, and arouse curiosity leading to the discovery of more places. The solutions applied will make the area in question more attractive, diverse and affecting the senses of users, while not interfering with the naturally shaped terrain, emphasizing its character.
Concept for development of area on Czarna Hańcza river
designed by Olga Wasilewska
Inscribed in the assumptions of biophilicity, the project uses the existing potential of the site and enhances its natural values. Through the use of diverse vegetation, water elements and organic forms, the space will become not only aesthetically pleasing, but above all functional and resident-friendly. The newly designed areas are expected to encourage users to visit more often, relax and engage in outdoor activities, which in the long run will contribute to an improved quality of life.
The author's sensitivity to spatial context and a balanced approach to interfering with the high-value landscape are clearly discernible in the designs for the three sites in Suwałki. The graduate not only preserves the character of the existing space, but skillfully complements it, subscribing to the key principles of biophilia - harmonious cooperation between man and nature, and bringing into the design process what is most important in biophilia
- Prof. Jaszczak adds.
The work was awarded in a competition between the Metropolitan Institute, the Association of Polish Landscape Architects (SPAK) and the City of Suwałki, winning second place.