


what is reportage?

Reportage is a literary genre from the borderline of journalism (journalism), non-fiction and fiction. This genre includes works that are an account of specific events, a record of facts known to the author from observation or from source documents.

types of reportage

Depending on the subject matter covered, a distinction is made between: social and moral reportage, travel reportage, sports reportage, court reportage, war reportage and popular science reportage. With regard to the form of publication, reportage is divided into: literary, radio, television, film and photojournalism.

reportage on architecture

In 2019, we announced a student competition for a press reportage about architecture. Its main theme was architecture focusing on one of three issues: residential architecture, the city and public space. The first prize went to Kinga Zemla for her reportage titled "Occupation and resistance - urban guerrillas in the fight against the housing crisis" for interestingly touching on important topics of the modern world, an interesting take on the problem and a clear reporter's form.