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Flow - the future of campus in motion

14 of March '25
w skrócie
  1. Laura Pacud and Mark Eismant's "Flow" project redefines academic space.
  2. New transportation links, including a streetcar line, open the campus to the city and facilitate access.
  3. Architecture inspired by the movement of water and wind creates a dynamic, open space for innovation.
  4. Eco-friendly solutions, such as the restoration of the Royal Stream and blue-green infrastructure, reinforce the sustainable nature of the establishment.
  5. The state-of-the-art Marine Technology Center is being built as a symbol of development and cooperation between science and industry.
  6. For more interesting information, visit the home page of the AiB portal

The dynamic development of Gdansk University of Technology, its role in shaping innovation and its openness to contemporary urban needs led to the creation of an architectural and urban planning concept called Flow. It is a project by Laura Pacud and Mark Eismant of the Faculty of Architecture at Gdansk University of Technology that redefines academic space and opens the campus to the city's residents/residents.



© Laura Pacud, Marek Eismant

integration in flow

The Flowproject aims to create a space where the natural movements of people, knowledge and water intermingle organically, enhancing the interaction of the academic community with the city. An important element of the new vision for the campus is the expansion of transportation infrastructure, including a streetcar connection to Grunwald Avenue. Two stops have been planned for the university: one at Fiszer Square and the other at Traugutta Square. These points become not only the gates of the campus, but also places for active exchange of ideas and daily meetings of students/students, scientists/scientists and residents/residents.



© Laura Pacud, Marek Eismant

The campus is to consist of three circulation loops that will allow intuitive movement between the university's key facilities. At the center of the premise is the main integration plaza, surrounded by buildings referring to the maritime heritage of Gdansk, including the Faculty of Ocean Engineering, the Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery and the modern Marine Technology Center.

przekrój urbanistyczny

urban cross-section

© Laura Pacud, Marek Eismant

architecture inspired by aature and technology

Flow is not just a name, but also a principle for shaping space. The designers draw inspiration from the dynamics of nature: water flows, air flows and digital data. From this premise comes the lightness of architectural forms and the use of innovative ecological solutions. The new campus facilities will be equipped with rain gardens, retention parks and micro-forests that will improve the microclimate and increase the comfort of the space.

przekroje, elewacje

sections, elevations

© Laura Pacud, Marek Eismant

A special element of the project is the renaturalization of the Royal Stream, which will regain its ecological and landscape values, becoming a natural element integrating the campus with its surroundings. Along Traugutta Street, buildings with residential, commercial and retail functions will be constructed, creating a coherent urban frontage that opens up to the campus.

The Fiszera and Traugutta stops have a unique form: lightweight, openwork structures fit harmoniously into the surroundings and integrate the existing greenery. In addition, the Fiszera stop will be enriched with commercial pavilions, and the Traugutta stop will become part of a three-part dominant feature of the campus, along with the planned Congress Center and office buildings.



© Laura Pacud, Marek Eismant

marine technology center

As part of the Flowconcept, the Marine Technology Center of Gdansk University of Technology is planned to focus on research, exhibitions and conferences. The facility will be a dispersed form, connected by underground corridors, which will ensure a smooth flow of functions and integration of spaces.

The complex will be divided into two building complexes:

  • Complex A - including representative, workshop, conference and catering spaces, in the immediate vicinity of the Institute of Fluid Flow Machinery.

  • Complex B - intended for administrative functions, individual and collaborative workspaces and technical support areas, adjacent to the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Computer Science.



© Laura Pacud, Marek Eismant

The structure of the buildings will be based on a monolithic reinforced concrete slab-and-column structure, and the facades will be made of structurally fixed glass. The interiors will be designed in a functional way, providing comfort for work and study:

  • Level -1 - exhibition space, changing rooms, reception area.

  • Level 0 - foyer, temporary exhibition, cafeteria with reading room.

  • Level +1 - workshop rooms, professor's club, green terrace.

  • Level +2 - conference room, banquet hall with access to the viewing roof.



© Laura Pacud, Marek Eismant

modern ecology and adaptive architecture

The buildings of the new Gdansk University of Technology campus will be saturated with ecological technologies: green roofs, rainwater retention tanks, heat pumps and photovoltaic panels will reduce energy consumption and improve the energy efficiency of the campus. The entire facility will be managed by an intelligent BMS system, optimizing resource consumption.



© Laura Pacud, Marek Eismant

The new master plan for the Gdansk University of Technology campus, designed by Laura Pacud and Marek Eismant, is a vision that combines science, community and ecology, creating a modern and adaptive environment for future generations of students/students and residents/residents of Gdansk.



© Laura Pacud, Marek Eismant

Aleksandra Skorupa

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