How to arrange a small apartment? Functional solution of open layout

22 of March '22

Elegance is never limited by space. In a small apartment, Krakow-based studio Marbou opted for a unique, open and functional layout. The most important thing in the apartment was conscious moderation in the choice of colors, patterns and materials. The arrangement shows how to organize an interior with a small area in an interesting way.

hol jest częściowo zamknięty, czemu służy ażurowa ściana

The lobby is partially closed, thanks to an openwork wall

photo by Karol Kleszyk/ Promo Focus, © Pracownia Marbou

choosing the color scheme

The dominance of shades of gray, juxtaposed with matte black metal elements was the client's wish. The combination of these two elements was warmed by the natural shades of oak appearing in the interior.

Equally important was the introduction of quartz sinters - their distinguishing feature are small red veins running throughout the board. They are visible primarily in the cooking area, blending perfectly with the gray-wood kitchen cabinetry.

kuchnia jest miejscem połączenia wielu elementów

The kitchen is a place where many elements come together

photo by Karol Kleszyk/ Promo Focus, © Pracownia Marbou

looking for maximum use

The small size of the apartment was not a problem, but an incentive to look for new functional solutions. One of the flagship ideas was to introduce a discreet and capacious interior design.

dominujący spiek kwarcowy ze złotymi żyłkami rozbity został przez dodatkowe akcesoria

The dominant quartz sinter with golden veins was broken up by additional accessories

photo by Karol Kleszyk/ Promo Focus, © Pracownia Marbou

opening up to the living room

The only space that has been separated is the lobby. A small openwork screen of metal in black matte was used, which was combined with a capacious chest of drawers. This is the space where a capacious closet was also inserted - which was framed by mirror fronts with black frames.

Łóżko może zostać schowane w ścianie, co pozwala zaaranżować dodatkową przestrzeń

The bed can be hidden in the wall, which allows to arrange additional space

Photo by Karol Kleszyk/ Promo Focus, © Pracownia Marbou

The heart of the house is a light sofa, accompanied by an armchair with a footstool and a table with a quartz sintered top. Next to it you can see a bookcase for books and decorative accessories. This development also included an air conditioner, although it is difficult to see at first glance.

toaleta utrzymana została w szaro-białej tonacji

The toilet was kept in gray and white tones

photo by Karol Kleszyk/ Promo Focus, © Pracownia Marbou

kitchen in gray-wood tones

The kitchen is solved in an interesting way. The aforementioned quartz sinter was used here, which was aesthetically combined with wood. Because of the surfaces, a kitchen island was not chosen. All kitchen appliances and accessories are housed in a capacious wooden cabinet.

dominującymi elementami salonu jest niewielka sofa i wysoki fotel

The dominant elements of the living room are a small sofa and a high armchair

Photo by Karol Kleszyk/ Promo Focus, © Pracownia Marbou

developed by Wiktor Bochenek

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