How do Poles renovate? Let's analyze data from the report

11 of September '24
w skrócie
  1. More than 60% of respondents want to carry out renovations.
  2. On average, we plan to spend PLN 13,843 on it.
  3. The most common renovations are painting walls, replacing furniture and changing the floor.
  4. When choosing a floor, functionality is more important to us than aesthetics.
  5. For more interesting information, visit the main page of the PdD portal

More than 60% of those surveyed want to renovate in the next three years. How much money do we plan to spend on it? What kind of work do we do most often? We find out in the latest report.

Small but impressive changes

The survey, commissioned by the Quick-Step brand, shows that Poles are more likely to decide to refresh a space rather than make general renovations. On average, we plan to spend PLN 13,843 on renovations however the most frequently cited amounts are PLN 1,000, PLN 5,000 and PLN 10,000. 57% of respondents indicate painting walls as a priority. In second place out of 28 is changing furniture. New flooring is planned by 21% of respondents.

Najczęściej decydujemy się na malowanie ścian

The most common decision is to paint the walls

Photo straightoleh © Freepik

How do we choose floors?

Interestingly, 20% of respondents haven't changed the floor in 10 years, and 19% have never done so. It follows that flooring is an investment for years. Not surprisingly, we are guided more by quality than aesthetics when choosing it. For 47%, price is the most important factor. Only 1% fewer respondents consider the most important feature of a new floor, durability, i.e. abrasion and scratch resistance. Exactly the same difference occurs between cleanliness (31%) and appearance (30%). 16% of people indicated that they care about the possibility of self-assembly.

Funkcjonalność jest dla nas ważniejsza niż estetyka

Functionality is more important to us than aesthetics

© Quick-Step

What doesn't influence our decisions?

It is also worth noting factors that are not decisive. The opinions of loved ones, the availability of designs and colors, noise dampening and the possibility of underfloor heating are actually not important to us (3-6%). Sustainability also does not play a key role. Only 24% of Poles pay attention to whether the flooring is made of recyclable materials. Only 7% of those surveyed are willing to pay more for floors using such solutions, while 27% are willing to do so.

To, czy podłoga jest wykonana z materiałów nadających się do recyklingu nie odgrywa dużej roli przy decyzji o zakupie

Whether a floor is made of recyclable materials does not play a big role in the purchase decision

Photo: master13052 © Freepik

What do we cover our floors with?

According to the survey, on average we plan to spend PLN 5,696 on floor renovations. The average square meter of replacement is 47 square meters.

What do we want to spend these funds on? 27% of respondents plan laminate floors in the bedroom, and 25% in the living room. In contrast, 20% of respondents want to install vinyl panels in the living room.

Na wymianę podłogi planujemy przeznaczyć średnio 5 696 złotych

On average, we plan to spend PLN 5,696 on floor replacement

© Quick-Step

- Based on the average budget and square meter, it can be assumed that respondents plan to spend 121 PLN per square meter of pavement. This price can be used to purchase ceramic tiles, which are the first choice of respondents for kitchens, bathrooms and hallways, while it will be a challenge to purchase wood flooring - declared as the top solution for living rooms and bedrooms, comments Patrycja Krogul, Quick-Step expert.


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