The 5 most designer facade materials

When planning the facade of a house, is it worth following the latest trends? By all means! The market for facade materials is changing rapidly, offering more and more modern solutions. If you want to cover your house with a durable and beautiful facade, it is essential to keep your hand on the pulse of this dynamic industry. To make your decision easier, we've compiled information on 5 categories of facade materials that are currently on the cutting edge.

At what stage should you plan the facade of your house?

Many people buy a finished house project that already has a visualized facade. The designer planned it at an early stage of his work, taking into account the character of the surroundings, the shape of the block, the design and style of the house and the layout of the rooms. Most often, however, the proposed facade materials are only one of the options, and the final choice will be decided by the future owner. An example?

The visualization shows a house with light-colored walls with wooden elements. Within the framework of this project, you can opt for a whole range of facade materials that will provide this effect:

  • white or beige facade plaster,

  • PVC trim,

  • natural wood facade elements,

  • fiber-cement facade boards,

  • HPL facade boards.

The materials listed will vary in cost, weather resistance, durability, energy efficiency and ease of maintenance.

Also, remember that you can change and renew the facade of a building even many years after its construction. For example, you can choose to refresh the facade with modern exterior paints, or install lightweight sheet metal cladding in an industrial style.

W ostatnich latach modne jest łączenie kilku rodzajów metariałów elewacyjnych w jednym projekcie. Fasady budynków są poskładane z różnych elementów o kontrastowym wyglądzie

In recent years it has become fashionable to combine several types of facade metarials in a single project. Building facades are cobbled together from different elements with contrasting looks.

Photo Archidea X © Unsplash

Designer facade materials - 5 suggestions

Certainly, a strong trend of recent years is the combination of several building finishing techniques in one project. If you regularly review visualizations of houses in design offices, you have certainly noticed this trend. Building facades are often cobbled together from a variety of contrasting elements. Popular combinations include light-colored plaster with wood cladding or raw concrete. One also encounters elements of stone, sheet metal and even rustic tile. There are, of course, many more possibilities.

Learn about the 5 categories of facade materials used in the most designer projects!

1. Facade and modeled plasters

Plastering is still the most popular way of finishing buildings and there is no indication that it will go out of fashion. Plastered walls provide a great base and a perfect background for other facade elements. It is also worth knowing that a well-chosen plaster plays a key role in protecting a building from harmful atmospheric factors, reduces heat loss in winter and reflects the sun's rays in summer. Plastered walls can be covered with facade paint (silicone, silicate or acrylic), obtaining a durable surface in any shade.

However, we are here in search of the most designer facade materials! An interesting novelty on the shelf of facade plasters are modeled plasters - they are really worth looking into.

Modeled plasters are a special type of decorative plasters that allow you to make a facade that resembles concrete, wood, natural stone, as well as brick and sheet metal. It is the result of skillful play with texture and color and the use of creative techniques, including troweling, grouting, filling and smoothing. Modeled plaster can be safely compared to a plastic material, which under the hand of an expert turns into a facade of any aesthetic impression. This is an excellent option for those who want a house with an original appearance, but a not very flexible budget does not allow the use of other materials.

2. Clinker and hand-formed bricks

A house made of brick will always evoke the best associations. Demand for brick facades is so high that clinker manufacturers are outdoing themselves in providing ever better, eco-friendly and designer products.

What exactly is clinker? It is a type of ceramic tile, made from clay, which looks like brick. The tiles are installed on the wall of the building using adhesive mortar according to the chosen pattern and layout. A clinker facade is elegant and creates a unique atmosphere. It also has many practical advantages:

  • it is resistant to weather conditions and maintains its original appearance for many years,
  • is resistant to mechanical damage and easy to maintain,

  • is ecological (made of clay),

  • clinker tiles are available in a wide range of colors and shapes, which allows you to design a variety of facades.

A brick facade is ideal for traditional buildings, but also where you want to create an industrial atmosphere. If you want the effect of an old brick wall, be sure to check out the offer of Ceglarnia Hoffmanowska, which specializes in hand-formed tiles.

Elewacja z klinkieru jest elegancka i tworzy niepowtarzalny klimat. Posiada również wiele praktycznych zalet.

A clinker facade is elegant and creates a unique atmosphere. It also has many practical advantages.

Photo by Micah Carlson © Unsplash

3. Wood and plank cladding

You will meet wooden facade elements very often in the designs of modern houses and even entire estates. Wooden houses evoke the best associations: warmth, comfort, nature and long-term durability. Often aesthetic considerations are also decisive - wood elements can warm up the austere appearance of gray walls and break the monotony of uniform plaster.

If you decide on a wooden facade, you will face some challenges. You have to reckon with the rather high cost of its construction and the need for regular impregnation. At the very beginning, make sure you choose the right type of facade wood (pine, spruce, fir, larch, Douglas fir or exotic wood). Perhaps your wood supplier will offer you thermally modified wood. This is an option worth considering: thermo wood is characterized by high resistance and resistance to mechanical damage, and does not require impregnation. It is also a material with deep and saturated color throughout, so you will create a facade that distinguishes your home from others.

Drewno modyfikowane termicznie charakteryzuje się podwyższoną odpornością i wytrzymałością. Ma głęboki kolor na całym przekroju oraz nie wymaga impregnacji

Thermally modified wood is characterized by increased resistance and strength. It has a deep color throughout the cross-section and does not require impregnation.

Photo by Zac Gudakov © Unsplash

4. Modern panels and facade boards

Perhaps you dream of a wooden house, but the cost of natural wood does not allow you to fulfill this dream? In such a situation, a good solution will be facade panels or boards, which will create a designer wood-look facade on your wall or any other facade.

Trespa's facade panels  are high-quality panels with which you can design a home facade that looks exactly like your vision. HPL panels will help you conjure up wooden walls, they can also perfectly imitate concrete or create durable and aesthetically pleasing facades in any color. By opting for such a solution, you can forget about the hassle of regular waterproofing, and you can easily wash off annoying graffiti with ordinary solvents.

Another option is facade boards made of Cedral brand fiber-cement. This is one of the most eco-friendly and versatile facade metarials available on the market. And the look? If you dream of a Scandinavian house made of light-colored boards, Cedral's eco-friendly panels will help you achieve this effect .

Płyty elewacyjne i deski z włókno-cementu dają możliwość wykonania elewacji zgodnej z twoją wizją i w bardzo korzystnej cenie. Są ponadto ekologiczne i łatwe w utrzymaniu

Fiber-cement facade panels and planks give you the opportunity to make a facade according to your vision and at a very favorable price. In addition, they are eco-friendly and easy to maintain.

Photo by Jacques Bopp © Unsplash

5. Timeless and noble stone

Are stone facades still in fashion? By all means. Using stone cladding, you can create a designer facade by combining it with wood, plaster or modern panels. If you decide to cover your house entirely with stone, you can get the effect of a centuries-old mansion and a solid facade for many years to come.

However, facade stone has certain requirements. Because it is heavier than other materials, it can only be used on solidly constructed buildings, which eliminates some lightweight designs in single-family housing. However, if you want to bypass this problem, you can opt for Pińczów limestone - a unique material of Polish origin in a warm, beige hue. This type of limestone is 30% lighter than other stone materials, while maintaining durability and excellent insulation parameters. Pińczów limestone has been used in the finishing of Cracow's Wawel Castle and the Polish Parliament, while it brings an element of luxury and timeless elegance to commercial projects.

Let's conclude our journey through designer facade materials by emphasizing that your choice of facade should reflect your favorite style in construction. Create a home that you will smile at the sight of, returning from each trip. Modern trends give you many options - use them in your own project!

Are you building a house? We have more tips for you!



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