One in four people take out a renovation loan. We take a look at how Poles renovate

28 of April '23

The current economic situation means that we are buying property less and less and renovating a lot. From a recent survey on how Poles renovate, we also learn that in connection with renovation we not only experience a swing of emotions: from stress to excitement, but also prepare well for the planned upgrades.

What motivates us to renovate?

Among respondents to a survey compiled on behalf of OLX and Fixly, more than half say that something in their home needs repair or modification. Two-thirds have a renovation in mind at the time, while 42% have repairing damaged items.

Why do we decide to redecorate? The biggest motivation is the desire to modernize and upgrade interiors. This is the reason why 56% of respondents decided to change something in their homes or apartments. Another reason was the need to repair or replace old finishing touches, such as flooring or plumbing. This reason was indicated by 15% of survey participants. Occasionally, respondents also indicated as a reason the renovation of an apartment or house before moving in, the completion of a renovation previously started and interrupted for various reasons, the preparation of an apartment for rent, changes in life situation such as a partner/partner moving in or the birth of a child. More than half of the respondents, before a renovation, look for interior design inspiration. In addition, we order furniture, including made-to-measure furniture, and buy appropriate household appliances.

Przed ropoczęciem remontu szukamy inspiracji

Before starting a renovation, we look for inspiration

Photo by Brett Jordan © UNSPLASH

Costs, not only financial

To finance renovation and construction plans, one in four people take out a loan or credit. One in five uses legal or notary services. Due to the high costs, Polish women and men are more likely to renovate individual rooms rather than entire houses or apartments, and do some of the work themselves.

Modernization work for most people is a major challenge, both financially, logistically and emotionally. Nearly half of people who are considering changes to their apartment or house or fixing items that don't work think about it as early as nine months before the work begins. The fact that this is a stressful and difficult process is also evidenced by the fact that during the renovation, 76% of people plan to take a vacation, or even go on vacation, after it is completed.

Remont wiąże się dla nas ze stresem

Renovation is associated with stress for us

Photo by Charles De Luvio © UNSPLASH

What do we do most often?

According to the "How Poles renovate" report, the majority of renovation work, 87%, involved painting walls and ceilings. This is a task we often undertake without the help of a professional, and the change in the room is clearly visible.

The next most common renovation work was finishing the floor, white installation and tiling. The renovation consisted of these works in nearly half of the cases. Less frequently, we install or replace doors, make alterations to electrical, water or sewage systems, install plasterboard, wallpaper or install or replace windows.

Najczęściej decydujemy się na malowanie ścian

Most often we choose to paint the walls

Photo by Karl Solano © UNSPLASH

The entire report is available HERE

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