"Design permeates many spaces and touches many spheres of our lives." Sara Sobiech in the series "10 questions to an interior designer"

28 of December '22

"10 Questions to an Interior Designer" is a series of short talks inspired by the series "10 Questions to...". This time our attention is turned to interior architects. In today's episode, Sara Sobiech architect at KODO studio talks about her approach to design.

1 For me, home is...

A safe haven where you can feel comfortable. A place that says a lot about its owners. Embodying their passions, lifestyle, the way they look at the world and spend their free time.

2 The key to a successful interior design is.

Open communication between the designer and the investor. At every stage of interior design. Mutual trust also plays a key role. Thanks to them it is possible to create a unique design and implementation, which with its functionality will serve for many years.

3 I look for inspiration....

In everyday life, in art, in travel, in conversation. Design permeates many spaces and touches many spheres of our lives. Fashion and crafts are also sources of inspiration for me. Colors and aesthetics belonging to the current trend of the moment, become a leitmotif in interior design years later. I believe that the role of the designer is not to unreflectively follow what is fashionable, but first of all to create interiors that will stand the test of time.

4 In cooperation with the investor the most important thing is....

Listening and understanding the needs of the investor, while trusting both sides. Such cooperation results in the best, unique and tailor-made projects. It is also very important to familiarize the client with the various stages of the design process and implementation. This knowledge builds trust and a sense of security for the investor.

5 My favorite design style is....

It is difficult to point out one favorite style. On the other hand, what I would like to emphasize is my love for designing interiors that fit in with the surroundings. I respect regions in Europe that have such coherence. I always try to bring out the qualities of a given development and surroundings, and then expose their beauty in the design. I believe that this is the role of an architect - to help the investor see these unique assets and on their basis build an individual, unique project. This approach creates harmony and promotes adaptation to the environment.

6 The most valuable item in my home is.

A pre-war piano that brings back childhood memories and family caroling. For me it is synonymous with harmony, art, tranquility, but also the pursuit of perfection. I think I can interpret it in the category of a symbol. Each of us has a "treasure" at home that represents sentimental value. It could be a book, the first single of a favorite band, a casket from grandma or a photo of a child taking his first steps. At home, it is worth taking care of a suitable place for them, and even display them.

7 The most common mistake in self-decoration is.

Focusing exclusively on the aesthetic side of the arrangement. This results in both technical and functional mistakes, such as an ill-fitting door, the absence of a socket for household appliances, or an ill-considered kitchen design with the cabinet front hitting the lamp. Other examples include a nice but uncomfortable sofa, or insufficient and poorly planned lighting that does not serve its purpose. Therefore, in this regard, it is worth relying on the knowledge, experience and broad view of interior designers.

8 My favorite material is.

It all depends on the purpose. Nevertheless, on my top list are natural materials. I often reach for them, because they look noble and have a positive effect on the senses. They are pleasant to the touch, have a unique smell and natural imperfection, which I consider only in the category of value.

9 A trend I would like to see pass away already is.

Velvet sofas in bottle green. They can be found in almost every interior. This trend appeared quite a long time ago, but it is still, due to its attractive price, a frequent choice of users. Velvet is not a material that suits every style of arrangement. The palette of possibilities, when it comes to the type of fabric and shades of green for lounge furniture, is much larger. That's why I always encourage you to explore the topic and not limit yourself to the first inspirations found on Instagram.

10 - I would like to live in... someday.

A passive house designed in the Mediterranean style, located by a lake or the sea.

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