Safe summer house - tips for maintenance and upkeep of wooden buildings

03 of August '23

Summer cottages are the base for many people who want to relax from the hustle and bustle of the city in the lap of nature. You can feel the holiday atmosphere in them, with the scent of soothing wood in the air, which is conducive to relaxation. Although you can derive considerable pleasure from vacationing in a chalet, it requires proper care to be able to enjoy it for many, many years. If you already have your favorite wood cottage, be sure to check what care and maintenance work, is necessary to keep the building in impeccable condition.

How often should you perform maintenance on a summer house?

Although nowhere will you find such a provision, there is a rule of thumb to check the condition of wood houses at least once a year. It is best to conduct a periodic audit twice a year - before and at the end of the season. This will help its occupants feel safe while relaxing, but also make sure that when they leave it, they leave it in very good condition.

Maintenance work on a wood cottage - step by step

Summer houses are mostly made of wood, so one of the priorities is to properly protect them from negative external factors. Below you will find the individual steps that need to be taken to take care of a wood cottage.

Inspection of the various components of the cottage

Inspekcja domku letniskowego - najlepiej, aby była przeprowadzana przez specjalistę, który wie, w którym miejscu budynek jest najbardziej narażony na zniszczenie.

Inspection of the cottage - ideally, it should be carried out by a specialist who knows where the building is most vulnerable to damage. After a detailed audit, any maintenance work can be carried out in order to enjoy many years of use of the summer wooden cottage. The inspection should be carried out at least once a year.

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When conducting an annual inspection of a summer house, check any places through which warm air can escape in winter and get too hot in summer. This includes the window and door frames, of course, but also the roof and the gaps between the foundation and the walls of the house. The joints around these elements need cyclical adjustment, also to prevent the house from getting damp and pests from getting in.

When checking the roof, focus on damaged tiles, sheet metal, gutters or rafters. Don't pass by the chimney either, meaning its cracks or damaged flue pipes, among other things.

If you notice cracks, any gaps or mold or chipped paint during a wall audit, take appropriate action. Plug the holes, use specialized mold and mildew remedies, and repaint unsightly-looking wood.

Exterior and interior care

Every year, it is also a good idea to carry out a washing of the summerhouse. This will allow you to inspect all the nooks and crannies in more detail. In addition to this, you will get rid of any dirt that affects the level of comfort when spending a vacation in a wood cottage.

How to wash a vacation home? It is best to use specialized products for this and a soft bristle brush along with mild detergent and warm water.

Staining a wooden cottage

Proces bejcowania domku letniskowego - drewno powinno być bejcowanie od razu po wybudowaniu domku. Długoterminowe działanie bejcy uchroni naturalny surowiec przed wilgocią, ale i promieniowaniem UV oraz insektami

The process of staining a summer house - wood should be stained as soon as the house is built. The long-term effect of the stain will protect the natural raw material from moisture, but also from UV radiation and insects.

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Wood requires specialized treatments. One of them is staining, which protects this natural raw material from, among other things, decay. The cause of wood decay is moisture, air and heat. If the house is stained, at least once every three years, you will avoid damage to the wood.

If you want environmentally friendly products, choose a water-based stain. Its additional advantages are flexibility and long-lasting color. It protects very well against pests and is great for protecting wood from rot and mold. When the stain is applied to the wood for the first time, it stays on the wood for about 2 years. After that, with another application, it should last about 3 years. However, it all depends on the quality of the product applied. In addition, the stain in areas exposed to more sunlight, may require more frequent application.

Note that the stain should be applied only to completely dry wood. If necessary, sand the wooden facade before applying the stain. This will make the effect longer and more visible. It is also a good idea to check from time to time whether the stain is still working. Just spray a small area of wood and observe whether the water condenses or, however, soaks into the wood. In the first case, it means that the stain maintains its properties all the time, and if the second option happens, you should apply the stain. Then you can start the process of sealing the house.

Sealing wood cracks and crevices

Improperly sealed wood can be susceptible to damage from snow and rain, among other things. That's why it's a good idea to use a professional sealant that will protect the joints between the logs, reducing, among other things, possible heat loss and the possibility of insects getting into the house, as well as water. Insects love wood, so it's worth keeping them in mind and regularly filling cracks and cleaning this natural resource.

What else is worth keeping in mind when inspecting a summer house?

Sprawdzanie rynny w domku letniskowym - kontrola rynny pozwala na usunięcie przeszkód, takich jak: liście i gałęzie. Redukuje to zagrożenie przepełnienia i pozwala na swobodny przepływ wody deszczowej i ze stopionego śniegu.

Checking the gutter of the summerhouse - inspecting the gutter allows you to remove obstacles, such as: leaves and branches. This reduces the risk of overflow and allows rainwater and water from melted snow to flow freely.

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In addition to the above measures, it is also worthwhile:

  • Clean gutters periodically.

  • Control the drainage and flow of water.

  • Check whether the wood is darkening - if it is, you are dealing with a rotting process. If this is the case, it's best to remove the rotten wooden parts and replace them with new ones.

  • Use installation foam to fill gaps in window and door frames.

When noticing any problem with wood, it's a good idea to start removing it right away. The longer you delay, the more damage can occur.

Proper impregnation protects against UV radiation, changing weather conditions, fungi and insects. It is worth remembering this, wanting to enjoy your summer house for as long as possible. Wood is a raw material of the future, but also of the past. It constantly brings us closer to nature, which we need so much today.

Are you decorating your garden? Check out our tips on wood protection


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