How to renovate a garden bench? Advice from Dominik Strzelec

02 of April '24

Spring is fast approaching. This is a good time to think about refreshing your garden furniture. How to renovate a wooden bench? Check out Dominik Strzelec's advice!

Dominik Strzelec radzi jak odnowić drewnianą ławkę

Dominik Strzelec advises how to renovate a wooden bench

© Drewnochron

The second life of wood

If, after the winter, your garden furniture has turned gray and no longer looks good, a few simple treatments will be enough to restore its former shine. Proper care will also protect them from premature aging and keep the wood looking beautiful for longer. Start the maintenance process by assessing the condition of the bench. If any cavities have appeared on the surface, they should be filled. If old, peeling coatings of previous preparations are visible on the surface, remove them down to the raw wood. Next, prime the bench with an impregnating agent that will provide protection against insects and fungi that cause blue stain and decay of the raw material.

Po ziemie, drewniane meble ogrodowe mogą nie prezentować się już zbyt dobrze

After winter, wooden garden furniture may not look very good anymore

© Drewnochron

Proper preparation

The wood that is going to be painted should be clean, so an important stage of the renovation is washing the bench. This can be done in two ways: using a brush and water or a pressure washer. If there are greasy stains or resin on the surface of the furniture, remove them with extraction gasoline and a cloth. When the bench is clean, dry and degreased, you can proceed to painting.

Renovation of the bench – step by step

There is a wide range of impregnants available on the market, in various colors. So the color of the bench can be successfully adapted to the garden scenery. Before applying the product, it should be mixed well. This activity must be systematically repeated also during the work. Apply the impregnate evenly with a brush, preferably along the grain in two coats, maintaining a minimum 16-hour interval between them. As Dominik Strzelec points out, in order to avoid stains or streaks, it is necessary to avoid applying an excessive amount of the product. The impregnate forms a film on the surface, which protects the wood from rain, snow and sun. At the same time, it provides biological protection for the wood against mold or algae.

Impregnat ochroni drewno nawet przez kilka lat

The impregnate will protect the wood even for several years

© Drewnochron

We have more information on wood protection for you


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