Dominik Strzelec advises on how to overhaul a bird feeder before winter

Dominik Strzelec suggests how to effectively renovate the feeder, so that it not only serves the birds in the winter, but is also a beautiful decoration of the home space.

Stary karmnik może zyskać nowe życie dzięki prostej renowacji

An old feeder can get a new life thanks to a simple renovation

© Drewnochron

A safe place for birds

If, after a few seasons, the feeder has lost its aesthetic appeal, there is no need to throw it away. The difficult winter time for birds is approaching, so you should think about undertaking renovation work now. To begin with, carefully inspect the feeder and assess its condition. If there are cavities or cracks on the surface of the wood, fill them with joint compound, and remove any loose coatings.

Pamiętaj o zastosowaniu odpowiedniego impregnatu

Remember to use the appropriate impregnator

© Drewnochron

Renovation step by step

Before painting, it is a good idea to wash the feeder with clean water, using a sponge or brush. If resin or greasy stains are visible on the surface, use extraction gasoline to remove them. For painting, it is best to choose a paint that not only refreshes the appearance of the birdhouse, but, above all, protects it from unfavorable winter weather conditions. The right impregnator will create a waterproof coating, providing protection against the harmful effects of snow, rain and sun. In addition, it will protect the feeder from mold and UV rays responsible for the degradation of wood, and at the same time refine and highlight the natural appearance of the raw material.

Before you start painting, the product must be mixed thoroughly. It is best to apply the impregnant along the grain with a brush. Remember not to apply too much of the product. If any spots and stains form, it will be difficult to level them later, without loosing on aesthetics. Paint the house with two coats, and if you want the color to be more intense, you can also apply a third coat. After such a renovation, the birdhouse will be comprehensively protected and refreshed.

We have more information about wood protection for you



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