Luxafers - a stagnant trend making a comeback in interiors

03 of January '22

In the 1980s, the fashion for luxaffin in residential and restaurant projects was undergoing a real boom. Due to its versatile use and properties, this material was used virtually everywhere. However, after a short period of widespread use, many now associate glass bricks with outdated architectural styles. It would seem that few people are interested in bringing this trend back into favor. However, modern architects have begun to use this unique material in distinctly modern ways, whether in sleek and minimalist bathrooms, industrial bars and restaurants, or even experimentally on urban facades.

Luksfery mogą być stosowane
nawet w nowoczesnych wnętrzach

Luxafers can even be used in modern interiors


What exactly is a luxsphere?

A luxsphere - otherwise known as a glass brick or glass block - is an architectural element that lets in light while maintaining privacy due to its translucent properties. The original patent for the glass brick, filed in 1907, describes it as a process that combines two layers of glass into a single block with a hollow center. This unique combination also increases its insulating properties, such as sound attenuation, energy insulation and fire resistance. These blocks - once mostly used as rectangular blocks now come in an increasing variety of sizes. During the manufacturing process, they can be altered in various ways to achieve different aesthetic effects, levels of transparency, including changing the texture or color of the blocks, creating different shapes (suchas hexagons) or curving the blocks as part of a predetermined design.
Typically, a glass brick wall or window consists of a series of identical glass blocks. In Europe, glass blocks are produced in accordance with the European standard EN1052-2, while the international standard is ISO TC 160/SG1. These standards divide glass brick into three categories based on the quality of production.

Ciekawe kolorowe akcenty mogą
nadać wnętrzu charakter

Interesting colorful accents can add character to an interior



  • For many homeowners, glass block windows are beneficial for aesthetic reasons - they can make homes look more upscale. Even relatively dull rooms can be transformed with a glass block wall or window to make them look exceptionally finely designed.

  • Maintaining privacy is another huge advantage of glass bricks. They can be installed in garages and basements or other places where valuables are stored without showing their contents to passersby. Of course, they are also often installed in bathrooms to provide natural light.

  • Another advantage of the luxroofs is security, as it is much more difficult to break in through them than through ordinary windows. This advantage coincides nicely with their use in rooms containing valuables.

  • Finally, glass blocks are extremely energy efficient. Not only do their hollow centers provide thermal insulation similar to double-glazed windows, but the mortar that binds the individual blocks together blocks air infiltration even better than traditional window frames. So they save energy not only by diffusing natural light and reducing the need for artificial lighting, but also by being airtight, thereby reducing drafts or heat transfer. Some glass block windows even use low-emissivity glass, further reducing the amount of heat that can pass through the glass. However, even standard glass block windows typically meet ENERGY STAR guidelines.

    Development: Dominika Tyrlik

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