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Student microdome honored in international competition!

19 of September '24
w skrócie
  1. The "Masurian Microhome" project by a Warsaw University of Technology student was shortlisted for the seventh edition of the Microhome Kingspan Edition competition.
  2. The competition is a response to the global housing crisis, promoting the creation of affordable, sustainable and compact housing solutions.
  3. The competition's challenge was to design an off-grid modular home of up to 25 m² for a young couple.
  4. The designs were judged on social inclusion, sustainability, affordability, adaptability and social awareness.
  5. "Masurian Microhome" offers a sustainable model of living in Masuria, combining modern conditions with local architecture and natural beauty.

  6. For more interesting information, visit the home page of the AiB portal

In this year's seventh edition of the international Microhome Kingspan Edition competition, organized by Buildner, the shortlist included the "Masurian Microhome" project by a student of the Faculty of Architecture at the Warsaw University of Technology: Zofia Zimowska, Maksymilian Łuszcz and Paweł Wykowski. The competition attracted participants from 115 countries, both professional people and students of architecture and design. The success of the young architect and young architects is a testament to their design skills and sensitivity to contemporary issues related to the global housing crisis.

rysunek poglądowy


© Zofia Zimowska Maksymilian Łuszcz and Paweł Wykowski

microdomes, the answer to the housing crisis

The MICROHOME competition was organized in response to the deepening global housing crisis affecting millions of people around the world. As the cost of real estate rises and the number of available housing units decreases, the need to create affordable, sustainable and compact housing solutions becomes more urgent. In this context, architects play a key role in designing efficient and environmentally responsible homes. Compact housing offers a practical approach to providing affordable housing while supporting sustainable urban development.



© Zofia Zimowska Maksymilian Łuszcz and Paweł Wykowski

competition challenge

The theme of this year's competition was the concept of an off-grid modular home for a young, professionally active couple, with a maximum usable area of no more than 25 m². Participants and entrants were tasked with designing a space combining an innovative approach to space organization, aesthetics and modern technologies and materials. An important aspect of the project was the possibility of implementation in both urban and rural environments, which gave the participants full creative freedom.

schemat funkcjonalny

functional scheme

© Zofia Zimowska Maksymilian Łuszcz and Paweł Wykowski

evaluation criteria

The jury evaluated the projects, paying attention to several key aspects. The first was social inclusion, that is, how the project supported building a sense of community and fostered social interaction in the local environment. Another criterion was sustainability and minimal environmental impact, which included the implementation of green technologies such as renewable energy, waste reduction and water conservation, making the home self-sustainable and eco-friendly. Affordability and accessibility, i.e., the economic feasibility of the project and its accessibility to various social groups, particularly marginalized groups, also played an important role. Another criterion was adaptability and scalability - the jurors assessed how adaptable the project was to different contexts, local materials and how much potential it had for replication on a wider scale. The final criterion was social and educational awareness - the project had to not only serve a residential function, but also serve as an educational model to promote sustainable living and community building.

funkcje przestrzeni

functions of the space

© Zofia Zimowska Maksymilian Łuszcz and Paweł Wykowski

"Masurian Microhome" project

The "Masurian Microhome" project was located in Masuria, in the "land of a thousand lakes," with extensive bodies of water and forests. The region has preserved much of its natural character and historical architecture. Its natural wealth and traditions make Masuria a popular tourist center, especially for sailing and other water activities.

However, the region faces challenges related to the lack of stable growth in other sectors of the economy. Lacking major urban centers, Masuria offers a small job market for professionals. As a result, many young residents are choosing to leave the region in search of better career prospects. This slow depopulation process is one of the biggest problems facing Masuria.



© Zofia Zimowska Maksymilian Łuszcz and Paweł Wykowski

The goal of the "Masurian Microhome" project is to create a sustainable living model for both locals , as well as young people who might decide to settle in the region. Responding to current challenges, the project offers a space combining peaceful, picturesque surroundings with modern, comfortable conditions for working and living.

The project draws inspiration from the local architectural heritage by preserving the original elements of regional architecture, while integrating modern solutions adapted to contemporary needs. "Masurian Microhome" proposes a small, modular living unit that can be located in different parts of Masuria, responding to the needs of both young people seeking tranquility and those looking to combine remote work with proximity to nature.

wizualizacja wnętrza

interior visualization

© Zofia Zimowska Maksymilian Łuszcz and Paweł Wykowski


The vote has already been cast

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