Textured furniture - what is fluting?

19 of January '24
w skrócie
  1. Fluting is a technique of ornating surfaces by cutting decorative patterns.
  2. Fluting is done with knives or special tools, carving with a chisel or using CNC machines.
  3. The most popular material for fluting is wood, but it can also be done in metal, leather, plastic, stone, plaster and glass.
  4. Most often, fluting appears on cabinet fronts, but it can also decorate table legs, countertops and even upholstered furniture.
  5. For more interesting information, visit the home page of the PdD portal

Looking for modern furniture? Opt for ornate fluting, which has won the hearts of design lovers.

What is fluting?

In furniture-making, the term fluting refers to the technique of ornating surfaces by cutting decorative patterns. Fluted furniture is often characterized by ornate, finely crafted patterns that add elegance and uniqueness.

The process of fluting furniture can involve various techniques, such as cutting with knives or special tools, carving with a chisel, or using CNC machines (computer-controlled milling machines). Depending on the design and style, fluting can take a variety of forms, from delicate floral patterns to more complex geometric motifs. Fluted furniture is valued not only for its unique appearance, but also for its high quality craftsmanship, as this decorating technique requires a great deal of skill. Fluting can also be used to personalize furniture.

Ryflowane fronty często stosowane są w kuchni

Fluted fronts are often used in kitchens

Photo by Alexandra Dermont/Ayuko Studio © Soul Interiors

What materials can be fluted?


Wood fluting is very common in furniture making. Wooden surfaces can be carved or cut to create different patterns and textures. This is a popular technique for classic or rustic furniture.


Fluted metal is often used in the production of decorative pieces such as furniture, mirrors, or decorative wall panels. Metal surfaces can be cut, carved or subjected to additional processes such as patination.


In some cases, leather can also be fluted, especially when used as an upholstery material.

Najpopularniejszym materiałem do ryflowania jest drewno

The most popular material for fluting is wood

© Beckers


Although less common than with wood or metal, fluting plastic is also possible. It can be used in the production of furniture or decorations.


Some stone surfaces, such as marble or granite, can be carved in a fluted manner, creating beautiful patterns and decorations.


Fluted gypsum is often used in interior decoration, especially in the production of decorative moldings, ceilings or walls.


Although more difficult to work with than some other materials, glass can be fluted using special grinding techniques. Fluted glass can be used in the production of lamps, windows or decorations.

Ryflowane szkło może być ozdobą np. ścianki oddzielającej pomieszczenia Ryflować możemy także szkło

Fluted glass can be used in a wall separating rooms

Photo: Ambitious Studio Rick Barrett © UNSPLASH

What kind of furniture can be fluted?

Fluted fronts of cabinets and dressers are a popular choice, especially in kitchen cabinetry. The patterns can be both delicate and more complex, giving the furniture a unique character. Also, table tops can be fluted, which adds texture and style to the interior. The legs of tables are often fluted as well. Fluted bed headrests are common, especially in classic or vintage furniture. The carved details give beds a refined look. Fluted details can also be used in upholstered furniture, such as armchairs and sofas. Backrests, armrests or side panels are often fluted. Desk fronts, side panels or drawers can also be fluted, giving office furniture an elegant look. Fluted designs can also be placed on furniture doors, especially for cabinets or display cases.

Stół z ryflowaniem będzie ciekawym elementem aranżacji salonu

A fluted table will be an interesting part of a living room arrangement

Photo: Marek Koptyński © Decoroom


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